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送交者:  2009年07月30日13:02:41 于 [世界股票论坛] 发送悄悄话

"Historically, oil companies' (earnings) numbers move a little later in response to economic improvements than some of the other major sectors," he said. "We'd expect a shift in the later part of economic improvement."
Still, petroleum inventory levels remained high and natural-gas prices failed to rebound much, if at all, from multi-year highs.

While Exxon Mobil acknowledges that the global economic downturn has dampened world energy demand, it's maintaining its capital-spending plans in the face of an expected rise down the road.

The oil major stands by its forecast of a 35% increase in demand between 2005 and 2030 based on growing population and economic growth, particularly in developing countries.

Exxon Mobil's continuing to invest at record levels between $25 billion and $30 billion over the next five years.

And in a notable move on the alternative-energy front, Exxon Mobil announced July 14 that it would invest up to $600 million to develop algae-based fuels -- a move designed to leapfrog the current corn-based ethanol that makes up the bulk of U.S. biofuels.
    这个老道不太内行,不过有两句话应该一致。 - 道友 07/30/09 (734)
      那个66大顺是本坛那位异见人士说的?  /无内容 - dzyx 07/31/09 (576)
  美国股市上涨时最先动的是High-tec. - 道友 07/30/09 (745)
    哈哈。INO昨天盘前$1没买挺可惜的。不过现在看看。唉:-)  /无内容 - 惊弓之鸟 07/30/09 (631)
      有些BIO是不错的,像HGSI。可惜我个人户口的早放了。 - 惊弓之鸟 07/30/09 (625)
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