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送交者: eachus 2011月03月19日22:23:21 于 [世界股票论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 两个龙头对碰, LDK和GCL的对比 eachus 于 2011-03-19 16:20:55

。。。。。。。。Q3 。。。。 Q4  。。。。。 2011Q1 。。。。。2011-2nd-half
poly 。。。。$62/kg  。。$70+/kg 。。。$80+/kg 。。。。。 $70/kg?
wafer 。。。 $.86/w 。。 $.87/w 。。。 $.90/w 。。。。。。 $.82/w?
module 。。 $1.80/w 。。$1.75/w 。。 $1.70/w 。。。。。 $1.50/w?

硅料短缺价钱爬升,module ASP丢得很快, 一部份没竞争力的太阳能公司
要被淘汰。 强的更大更强, "Survival of the Fittest"

===================(LDK CC transcripts)===================

Sean Wieland – Piper Jaffray

Hi. This is [Sean Wieland] for Ahmar. Just wondering, if you could go over what your poly ASP was in 4Q and 1Q and how that sort of you see that trending in terms of your external cells of poly?

Xiaofeng Peng

So the ASP, actually is doing quite well and I think we reported in third quarter somewhere about $62. In the fourth quarter, we are running north of $70 and sometimes actually close to $80. Right now, we’re still seeing very short demand and their price beyond -- goes over $70 and sometime go to $80 and at times, we see offers close to $90.

Sanjay Shrestha – Lazard Capital Markets

Got it. Two quick follow-ups for me, if I may. First one is, in terms of your module business, right. Two part question on that. One, what kind of pricing are you getting in China versus here up in the second half of 2011 and who are you using for [encapsulated] supplier?

Jack Lai

Yeah. For second half here in China, we can still get a module price around $1.50 to $1.55 range and in other areas, we still not decided price in second half year for Europe and for U.S. But in China, not normally, we’ll get a price, around $1.50 to $1.55 for the module price for second half of the year and the customers are willing to pay for some volume.

  下游过剩,那些被驴踢了的要输钱了.  /无内容 - ys400 03/20/11 (259)
    TSL是好公司, 问题是在... - eachus 03/20/11 (281)
      TSL, YGE不算只做下游的公司, 它们都有上游  /无内容 - ys400 03/20/11 (241)
        下游的硅80%-90%都是买别人的, - eachus 03/20/11 (231)
    还是天道酬勤,做hard job的会有回报, 上游的工作难做  /无内容 - ys400 03/20/11 (241)
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