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HeleneFischer: Wake Me Up
送交者:  2013年12月08日07:14:59 于 [世界音乐论坛] 发送悄悄话


You came into my life and then you turned it upside down
'Cause I don't want to go to work, don't want to leave the house
And all I want is to hold you 'cause you are all that I need
But when tonight is over please promise me one thing

Just wake me up before you go and kiss me like you would stay
And let the world go away cause we don't need it anyway
Just wake me up before you go and make it last all day long
It's me and you and no one else cause you're everything I want
It's me and you and no one else that keeps me holding on

If I could only have one wish I know what it would be
I'd lock up every door in sight , I'd throw away the key
I know that it may sound crazy but it's just the way I feel
Tonight can't last forever so please promise me one thing

Just wake me up before you go and kiss me like you would stay
And let the world go away cause we don't need it anyway
Just wake me up before you go and make it last all day long
It's me and you and no one else 'cause you're everything I want
It's me and you and no one else that keeps me holding on

Just wake me up before you go and kiss me like you would stay
And let the world go away cause we don't need it anyway
Just wake me up before you go and make it last all day long
It's me and you and no one else 'cause you're everything I want
It's me and you and no one else that keeps me holding on

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