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宝贝, 你让你的牛仔裤说话勾引人 by Hook 博士
送交者:  2012年06月17日07:42:00 于 [世界音乐论坛] 发送悄悄话






Night falls on the city, baby feels the beat
Slick and sexy angel of the street
The queen of all the night birds watch her when she walks
She don't say nothing but, baby makes her blue jeans talk

Baby makes her blue jeans, yes she makes her blue jeans talk
Baby makes her blue jeans, yes she makes her blue jeans talk
You know what she's thinking about and it turns you inside out
She don't say nothing but, baby makes her blue jeans talk
Night time in the city, magic in the air
The action starts at midnight, she'll be there
The queen of all the night birds, a player in the dark
She don't say nothing but, baby makes her blue jeans talk

Baby makes her blue jeans, yes she makes her blue jeans talk
Baby makes her blue jeans, yes she makes her blue jeans talk
You know what she's thinking about and it turns you inside out
She don't say nothing but, baby makes her blue jeans talk

Baby makes her blue jeans, yes she makes her blue jeans talk
Baby makes her blue jeans, yes she makes her blue jeans talk
You know what she's thinking about and it turns you inside out
She don't say nothing but, baby makes her blue jeans talk

She don't say nothing but, baby makes her blue jeans talk
She won't say nothing
She don't say nothing .........

      好湿。 应该把隔避透汽叫过来和几首 - 西门二大爷 06/18/12 (276)
    哈哈,好,不过太文雅了点,再俚语点会更符合  /无内容 - 火树 06/18/12 (268)
    perfect! two thumbs up!  /无内容 - 西门二大爷 06/18/12 (260)
  整个俩小流氓,低俗典型。  /无内容 - 火树 06/17/12 (274)
    窈窕女子君子好求, 更直接表达有神马不可以?  /无内容 - 西门二大爷 06/18/12 (252)
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2011: 【父亲】制帖:海石 学唱:中国狼/鸽子
2011: 對面的女孩看過來
2009: 我有一个梦想。。。