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"像个老板" by 孤独岛
送交者:  2012年05月27日15:45:52 于 [世界音乐论坛] 发送悄悄话

Mr. Samberg Thanks for coming to your performance reviewSb先生感谢来做工作成鸡总结
No problem没问题
So you're in charge around here, is that fair to say?你是负责这里的工作,对吗?
Absolutely, I'm the boss当然,我是老板
Okay, so take us through a day in the life of the boss好,说说你当老板一天是如何过的。
Well the first thing I do is...好,作为老板偶首先要做的是
Talk to to corporate (like a boss)谈论合作(像个老板)
Approve memos (like a boss)批准备忘录(像个老板)
Lead a workshop (like a boss)组织讨论会 (像个老板)
Remember birthdays (like a boss)记住别人的生日(像个老板)
Direct workflow (like a boss)指导工作流程(像个老板)
My own bathroom (like a boss)有自己的卫生间(像个老板)
Micromanage (like a boss)潜规则管理 (像个老板)
Promote Synergy (like a boss)促进协同合作 (像个老板)
Hit on Debra (like a boss)邀请黛布娜(像个老板)
Get rejected (like a boss)被黛布娜拒绝(像个老板)
Swallow sadness (like a boss)吞下自己的悲伤(像个老板)
Send some faxes (like a boss)寄 传真 (像个老板)
Call a sex line (like a boss)打SEX电话 (像个老板)
Cry deeply (like a boss)深深哭泣(像个老板)
Demand a refund (like a boss)要求退款 (像个老板)
Eat a bagel (like a boss)吃面包圈(像一个老板)
Harrassment lawsuit (like a boss)骚扰官司(像个老板)
No promotion (like a boss)没有俊升(像个老板)
Fifth of vodka (like a boss)喝5瓶伏特加(像个老板)
Shit on Debra's desk (like a boss)把黛布娜的办公桌上搞乱
Buy a gun (like a boss)买一支枪(像个老板)
In my mouth (like a boss)放在我嘴里(像个老板)
Oh fuck man I can't fucking do it... shit!哦,他妈的,我不能这样做,狗S
Pussy out (like a boss)Pussy出来(像个老板)
Puke on Debra's desk (like a boss)在黛布娜 的办公桌上吐痰
Jump out the window (like a boss)窗口跳出 
Suck a dude's dick (like a boss)吸一个花花公子的Dick
Score some coke (like a boss)搞些可卡因- 蜻蜓改 
Crash my car (like a boss)砸烂偶自己的汽车(像个老板)
Suck my own dick (like a boss)吸我自己的Dick(像个老板)
Eat some chicken strips (like a boss)吃一些鸡块(像个老板)
Chop my balls off (like a boss)割偶自己的蛋蛋(像个老板)
Black out in the sewer (like a boss)堵住下水道(像个老板)
Meet a giant fish (like a boss)满足大鱼的胃口(像个老板)
Fuck its brains out (like a boss)干他妈的大脑(像个老板)
Turn into a jet (like a boss)变成一架喷气式飞机
Bomb the Russians (like a boss)轰炸俄罗斯(像个老板)
Crash into the sun (like a boss)飞到太阳上去(像个老板)
Now I'm dead (like a boss)现在,我已经死了(像个老板)
Uh huh. So that's an average day for you then?嗯哼。 每天这就是您?
No doubt毫无疑问
You chop your balls off and die?你割自己的蛋蛋和死亡?
Hell yeah地狱耶
And I think at one point there you said something about sucking your own dick你说吸吮自己的Dick?
Actually I'm pretty sure you did其实,我敢肯定你做
Nah, that ain't me不,这不是我
Okay, well this has been eye opening for me我已经开眼了
I'm the boss我是老板
Yeah, I know I got that. You said it about four-hundred times你说四百遍了
I'm the boss我是老板
Yeah yeah I got it!是啊是啊我知道了!
I'm the boss我是老板
No I heard you, bye.我没有听到你,再见。

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