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送交者: 火树 2014月12月08日03:06:54 于 [世界音乐论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 很喜欢海论娜的新歌《谢谢你,亲爱的》 可惜不会贴了,链接 火树 于 2014-12-07 00:52:15
Thank you, My darling For the love that you give so tenderly For the hours that we share, my thanks - merci, chérie For each kiss that soothes my aching heart The smile - your smile, my darling Gives me hope that becomes reality Gives me reason to laugh, to love, to be, chérie You're my life, you're everything and more Just to know you are near can destroy any fear For no fear is as strong as our love, as our love No sun is as warm, my dreams are reborn Each day with you, with you Thank you, My darling For the love that you give so tenderly For the hours that we share, my thanks - merci, chérie Thank you, My darling Thank you, My darling Thank you,
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