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送交者:  2010年10月12日09:49:01 于 [世界时事论坛] 发送悄悄话
Kevin Li: 共匪空军在土耳其被人8:0fuck 啦哈哈
Jenny Sun: Do you believe it?
Kevin Li: y
Jenny Sun: probably TG just want to give the host a face
Jenny Sun: you know they lost badly in korea war
Kevin Li: 我本来还不太当真,结果看到人民日报发评论说中土空军合练,不是要比高低,是要互相学习共同进步,我立刻就知道是真的啦
Jenny Sun: yeah man, sounds reasonable
Kevin Li: forgot korean war. the stupid ccp airforce was fucked to no where to go.
Jenny Sun: they just do show there
Kevin Li: 匪兵就是拿坦克碾老百姓厉害
Kevin Li: 巴不得他们飞机掉下来,共匪没好东西
Jenny Sun: what about the airplanes?
Kevin Li: 苏27,土耳其用鬼怪,近战格斗
Jenny Sun: I know TG paid a lot on airforce. if it is really like that, what a shame
Kevin Li: 别忘了北洋舰队,基本差不多
Kevin Li: 都是对老百姓狠,打起来都是熊包。土耳其是北约训练标准,被他们操了一点都不用奇怪。
Jenny Sun: what you said that Turkey's airforce training with NTP standard might work 
Kevin Li: 共匪演习基本都搞假的
Jenny Sun: I know TG's airforce always wanted to be practised with Russia airforce
Jenny Sun: it might because that they just know the gap
Kevin Li: 比如你看那个上合演习就是垃圾,现在都他娘什么年代了,共匪坦克拍成方针插着红旗往前冲
Jenny Sun: good target with the red flag
Kevin Li: 这些匪兵早点Done好了,我是支持中美早日开战的
Jenny Sun: dream it
Kevin Li: 
Kevin Li: 哈哈
Jenny Sun: i dont think USA is stupid enough to fight there
Kevin Li: 那也应该围堵和封锁
Kevin Li: 或者在钓鱼岛台湾搞点事情
Jenny Sun: you want USA people to buy their dailying livings with much higher price?
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