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Harvard: Free Tuition for Families Earning Under $60K

Students can now use outside scholarships to offset summer savings obligations

Published: Thursday, March 30, 2006
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    Families earning less than $60,000 a year will no longer be expected to pay for their children to attend Harvard, school officials said today.

    With that announcement, Harvard jumps to the head of a pack of top universities that are expanding financial aid for undergraduates from low-income and middle-class families.

    In 2004, Harvard officials said that families earning less than $40,000 a year would no longer have to contribute to the cost of their children’s tuition, room, and board. But undergraduates still had to foot a fraction of their tuition costs through paid work or student loans.

    The school’s policy on student contributions is now set to change. According to Harvard’s current student handbook, which still reflects the 2004 policy, the financial aid committee “expects that students will save approximately $2,000 from their summer job to be contributed toward the educational expenses of the following year.” Outside scholarships could not be used to replace summer income. But according to a statement from Harvard officials today, students will now be able to use outside scholarships “to eliminate their summer savings obligations.”

    Since 2004, several selective schools in the Ivy League and beyond have one-upped Harvard’s financial aid pledge. Yale announced last March that families earning under $45,000 would no longer have to contribute to their children’s tuition and fees. This month, Stanford matched Yale’s offer for families earning less than $45,000. And just last week, the University of Pennsylvania announced that families earning less than $50,000 would no longer have to take out loans to send their children to the school.

    Harvard also announced today that it would reduce tuition costs for families earning between $60,000 and $80,000 a year.

    Median household income in the United States was $44,389 in 2004, the most recent year for which data is available, according to the Census Bureau.
    这个色情狂不像话, 竟这样对待任兄说话 - USA_DAYE 07/25/10 (366)
    他显然表现的粉有趣 - PLA甲 07/25/10 (381)
    你知道你那some type of aid包括啥么? - 机械化神经元 07/25/10 (410)
      偶知道, 让偶告诉你, 很详细 - ClintonBill 07/25/10 (431)
      你自己不会看?你真会胡搅蛮缠,别人把grants,loan的 - 透气 07/25/10 (396)
        any grants不是白给你的钱,any包括多种资金来源 - 机械化神经元 07/25/10 (451)
          Scholarships and grants are - 透气 07/25/10 (429)
            Not exactly at least for this - 机械化神经元 07/25/10 (431)
          你加州家庭收入《6万不用付学费都不在这里面  /无内容 - 透气 07/25/10 (446)
            加州六万下不用付学费,这我怀疑,我认识一个在UC的全家收入5 - 机械化神经元 07/25/10 (413)
    我觉得培养人很重要, 感觉疙瘩失败啊... 还是成功了??  /无内容 - 老弄堂 07/25/10 (385)
    你真是看的不全面 - 吴医师A 07/25/10 (445)
      煞笔就这水平?一点技术含量都没有,没劲懒得理你  /无内容 - 机械化神经元 07/25/10 (436)
        怎么? 你不同意,萎了? 他说的基本全队对呀 - ClintonBill 07/25/10 (419)
    上学还要交钱,真是小同学啊。  /无内容 - 东风劲 07/25/10 (377)
      什么意思,本来说的就是这方法是错的,还要废唾沫? - 机械化神经元 07/25/10 (405)
        不好了, 快会去救人, - 吴医师A 07/25/10 (390)
        是你在比个例,我给的可是学校政策。你搞搞清楚好不好?  /无内容 - 透气 07/25/10 (484)
          你非要让我举例我都这么多例子了,还叫板嘛?  /无内容 - 机械化神经元 07/25/10 (440)
          美国有不少私人助学基金吧?你想看中国的民间助学嘛?  /无内容 - 机械化神经元 07/25/10 (442)
            你要在这里取这个例子来说明就更理科的可以,这里有几个在美国读 - 透气 07/25/10 (430)
              没明白你什么意思,例子无非说中国政府和民间都有助学资金  /无内容 - 机械化神经元 07/25/10 (438)
                中国政府和民间都有助学资金 - ClintonBill 07/25/10 (422)
            我刚才给的可都是政府资助,民间的到这来找,有学生名单 - 机械化神经元 07/25/10 (437)
              这还有呢,接着进来学习一下?haha - 机械化神经元 07/25/10 (443)
                看你那小样 - 吴医师A 07/25/10 (468)
          宜宾将资助631名贫困学子上大学--还有 - 机械化神经元 07/25/10 (430)
            你不是举了几个。。三个例子嘛?你自己去数数我这有多少?会加么  /无内容 - 机械化神经元 07/25/10 (424)
          贫困学生助学慈善基金会八年资助1024名学生上大学--接着来 - 机械化神经元 07/25/10 (408)
          接着来,我看你还想比不比 - 机械化神经元 07/25/10 (405)
          看清楚这个,2010年资助超1000名学生,你还想接着比嘛? - 机械化神经元 07/25/10 (431)
            你还比的起嘛?不觉得自己很无知嘛?  /无内容 - 机械化神经元 07/25/10 (443)
          我给的可是政府政策,你搞进出好不好? - 机械化神经元 07/25/10 (442)
            怎么样阿?怎么不进来阿?  /无内容 - 机械化神经元 07/25/10 (378)
          文科思维改不了,自己进来看看吧 - 机械化神经元 07/25/10 (401)
            你的逻辑没问题那就是笑话了,我说过中国学费贵了?我读大学时也 - 透气 07/25/10 (519)
  Princeton Raises Tuition不过请读到底 - 透气 07/25/10 (508)
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