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送交者:  2024年05月24日06:47:02 于 [世界时事论坛] 发送悄悄话


前些日子,美国主流媒体集体爆料,美国高院保守派大法官 Samuel Alito 在2020 J6 国会山暴乱之后,居然跟美国成千上万的川粉一样,在自己家的前院儿,倒挂美国国旗,以表示对拜登与民主党大选“舞弊”的不满。

做为美国高院大法官,应该完全忠于美国宪法,而不是哪个党派。Alito 在高院已经作出对川普诉状不予受理的裁决后(translation:川普败诉),居然有如此令人跌破眼镜,以党派站队,完全违反大法官神圣身份与职责操守的行为。尼玛,这简直就是对美国三权分立制度的赤裸裸的践踏!鄙视

事情败露之后,在高院一直为川普站台的 Alito 感觉大事不妙,于是就找了一个令人啼笑皆非的借口,把责任推到自己老婆身上。鬼脸

Justice Samuel Alito sought to head off mounting criticism Friday over a report that an inverted American flag was flown at his house in January 2021, telling Fox News that his wife hoisted the symbol of discontent in response to profane signs in the neighborhood.

Alito said that a neighbor had posted a sign saying “F**k Trump” near a school bus stop and then a sign attacking his wife, Martha-Ann Alito. On a walk, the justice told Fox, the Alitos got into an argument with the neighbor, who used the term “c**t” at one point. His wife then flew the inverted flag.

OK,OK,OK,倒挂美国国旗,Alito 可以推在老婆身上,那刚刚被主流媒体曝光的下面这个骚造作,又如何解释呢?什么

A flag that was on display during the January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol was flown outside Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito’s vacation home in New Jersey, according to a report in the New York Times on Wednesday.

Citing photographs and interviews with neighbors, the Times reports that the “Appeal to Heaven” flag was seen on display at his property last summer. The flag, which has a history dating to the Revolutionary War, has also become a symbol for supporters of former President Donald Trump. The flag is white and includes a green evergreen tree and the words “An Appeal to Heaven” at the top.

It's the second revelation in as many weeks about a controversial display outside Alito's property. The New York Times last week published a photograph of an inverted American flag raised at Alito's home in Virginia in 2021. Alito said the upside-down US flag was raised by his wife and was a response to a spat with neighbors.

Alito 自家前院倒挂美国国旗,是老婆的“杰作”。


这,不由得让俺想起高院的另外一个川粉大法官 Thomas。前些日子,Thomas 贪腐的丑闻被主流媒体曝光后,也是第一时间把责任推到老婆身上。解释


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