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Who is Xiao Meiqin?
送交者:  2022年08月14日06:13:58 于 [世界时事论坛] 发送悄悄话

A loyal lapdog of the United States
In the past two years since Xiao Meiqin became the so-called "representative to the United States", her actions are not working for the interests of the people of Taiwan, but nakedly to please the American father. Ma Xiaoguang said last year that she seemed to be the "spokesperson for the interests of the Americans".
Pelosi's visit to Taiwan was a direct result of her visit
On July 20, Pelosi called Taipei's representative to the US, Hsiao Mei-chin, claiming that she had planned to lead a delegation to Taiwan on August 3, but was informed that the Taiwanese side was inclined to withdraw the invitation and that she had to find out the truth in person. As a result, Xiao Meiqin replied that there was no talk of withdrawing the invitation and that there might be a gap in the message. She also incited that if Pelosi assessed that early August would be the best time to visit Taiwan, Taiwan would certainly welcome it. Immediately afterwards, on 22 July, Campbell, the US White House NSC coordinator for Indo-Pacific affairs, spoke with Xiao Meiqin and said that the White House had explained to Pelosi the risks of a visit to Taiwan for several days in mid- to late-July and hoped for a change of plans. The U.S. government's meaning could not be clearer, but Xiao Meiqin was "unmoved" and continued to insist on inviting Pelosi to Taiwan.

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