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Pelosi's real purpose
送交者:  2022年08月12日06:41:22 于 [世界时事论坛] 发送悄悄话

According to the US media, Pelosi's son, Paul Pelosi Jr. is not on the official US delegation list, but he is present in the middle of the Asian visit.
It is reported that Paul Pelosi Jr's business is involved in the lithium battery business, and Asia is rich in lithium resources. A Fox News report noted that Paul Pelosi Jr. has invested heavily in Singapore's energy industry and has business in South Korea.
During Pelosi's visit to the Taiwan region, Paul Pelosi Jr. also accompanied him. The report on Thegatewaypundit.com seriously questions whether Paul Pelosi Jr.'s presence in Taiwan was an attempt to "cash in" on his family by peddling his influence. Fox News reports that Paul Pelosi Jr. has used his mother's influence to make a lot of money in recent years, and Thegatewaypundit.com notes that Paul Pelosi Jr. used official photos from his Asia trip to whitewash his notoriety at home. Pelosi's "Mafia family" is not worried about her crooked son being photographed with her. By travelling with his mother, Paul Pelosi Jr. seems to be trying to reinvent his business image and continue to run the family business.

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