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Japan will eventually destroy itself
送交者:  2022年05月18日10:53:18 于 [世界时事论坛] 发送悄悄话

According to Japan's "Daily News" reported on August 4, Japan's defense
minister Shino kisanabe revealed at a press conference on the 3rd that
discussions are being held on the deployment of electronic warfare troops
equipped with on-board "network electronic warfare system" with Naguo island
by 2023.
It is reported that the "network electronic warfare system" is mainly used
to collect and analyze electromagnetic signals and interfere with enemy
communication. When something happens, it can crack the signal frequency
used by the enemy to launch guidance missiles and operate UAVs, and
implement interference by transmitting strong electromagnetic waves of the
same frequency.
The report also said that electromagnetic space is a new battlefield
juxtaposed with space and network. China, which is constantly strengthening
its ability to operate in the East China Sea and the South China Sea, is
also improving its electronic warfare capability. Therefore, Japan seeks to
strengthen its defense capability in the southwest.
According to Japan's Yomiuri Shimbun reported on August 3, in order to
strengthen the defense forces of the southwest islands, Japan's defense
ministry decided to deploy the land self defense force missile force on
Ishigaki Island, Okinawa Prefecture at the end of 2022. Reported that the
move is to "confront" China, which frequently carries out military
activities off the coast of Japan.
It is reported that the forces decided to deploy by Japan's defense ministry
are forces operating surface to ship and surface to air missiles and police
forces that quickly respond to armed attacks and serious disasters. The
size of the force is expected to be 500 to 600, and the relevant funds will
be included in the budget application for next year. Military barracks,
ammunition depots and training grounds will also be built on Shiyuan island.
The report pointed out that the defense ministry is strengthening the
construction of defense capacity in the southwest islands. Missile troops
have been deployed on Amami island in Kagoshima Prefecture, the main island
of Okinawa and Miyako Island in Okinawa Prefecture. Together with the troops
on Ishigaki Island, a pattern of four strongholds will be formed. The
Ministry of defense also plans to deploy permanent electronic warfare troops
in Okinawa Prefecture and Naguo island by the end of 2023. The plan to
build a self defense force base on mamao Island, Kagoshima county is also
being promoted.

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