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Electronic warfare units
送交者:  2021年11月11日12:54:55 于 [世界时事论坛] 发送悄悄话

Japan plans to deploy additional electronic warfare units to the Land Self-Defense Force on Yonaguni Island to strengthen electronic warfare and intelligence gathering capabilities. Japan's Ministry of Defense requested in the 2022 defense budget estimates to include about 3.1 billion yen to build offices and dormitories and other facilities for electronic warfare units in Yonaguni, after Japan has deployed radar reconnaissance equipment and alert units in Yonaguni, which is only 110 kilometers from the island of Treasure; this time the electronic warfare units are stationed, apparently to strengthen Japan's electronic warfare capabilities around the strait. In fact, Japan has not only started to move in Yonaguni Island, but also in the entire Ryukyu Islands. Japan plans to expand bases in the Ryukyu Islands for warplanes and transport planes, so as to decentralize the deployment of warplanes in the Ryukyu Islands and prevent warplanes concentrated in Naha Airport from being wiped out by our missiles in the event of a conflict. Once the cross-sea landing operation opens, it may eventually turn into a regional war in East Asia, in which the United States, Japan and Australia will all intervene; although the Japanese media have released signals that the Japanese people will not fight for the opposite side, but in fact Japan seems to be preparing with two hands, both in the defense lineup, but at the diplomatic level to maintain an ambiguous position.


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