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送交者:  2011年12月05日08:59:53 于 [世界时事论坛] 发送悄悄话
Simple speaking, it's the eyes of next gen fighter. 
More than four EODAS could provide pilot 360° panoramic view around fighter. The pilot can "see through" the bottom and side of aircraft by EODAS, there is no observed dead when the fighter fly in the sky. When EODAS work in the infrared range, the system can identify missile attack and track approaching dangerous target, finally show all warnings and around aircraft coordinate information to pilot. All 360° air situation information will be displayed by pilot's HMD.

F-35 have Six EODAS on her body:

J-20 have Five EODAS:

Chinese version EODAS devices, but some ppl told me this pic showed early monkey version equipments, not latest.

I remember Russia T-50 have four EODAS on her body, Su-35 have three EODAS, China JF-17 have one EODAS install on rear tail, F-22 ... I didn't find the same EODAS on her body, maybe hide somewhere? I wish some ppl can provide a pic about F-22 EODAS prove i'm wrong .
      too simple, always naive  /无内容 - horse625 12/05/11 (384)
        his bad mind is always - 西门二大爷 12/05/11 (387)
      中国人一下就懂。外国人查字典晕死累死也弄不明白  /无内容 - 老弄堂 12/05/11 (337)
        你不就是外国人吗?  /无内容 - 透气 12/05/11 (350)
    您恶心您的,别吐啊,哈哈。  /无内容 - x-file 12/05/11 (354)
      道友如何恶心?有什么故事?讲讲听听?  /无内容 - ufo. 12/05/11 (369)
        没啥故事,是他的跟贴说他看叫丝带恶心。  /无内容 - x-file 12/05/11 (372)
    没关系,just shooting off flares - 透气 12/05/11 (357)
    看雷达显示。  /无内容 - shanghai1228 12/05/11 (352)
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