Vice-President Mohammad Reza |
送交者: 透气 2012月01月20日09:06:02 于 [世界时事论坛] 发送悄悄话 |
回 答: 除了拍美国马屁当然没什么问题,伊朗如果要封锁海峡那是对中国吗 由 x-file 于 2012-01-20 08:29:47 |
Vice-President Mohammad Reza Rahimi warned that "not a drop of oil will pass through the Strait of Hormuz" if sanctions are widened. That was said at the END of last year. 两天前:Iran would block the Strait of Hormuz in response to possible security threats from the United States, Iranian Ambassador to Russia Seyyed Mahmoud Reza Sajjadi said Wednesday. 去年底伊朗很愚蠢地发表那个声明,授人以柄。首先那是国际航道,伊朗无权开关, 最多就说若有冲突,没法保障航道安全,再者伊朗并没这个实力,老美增派航母就把这信口开河国家打回原形。 |
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