The management system is wrong |
送交者: Snow 2011月07月15日13:30:12 于 [世界时事论坛] 发送悄悄话 |
回 答: 看我楼上刚贴的,胡温真是令人失望,不知他们脑子是怎么想的 由 武一 于 2011-07-15 00:25:58 |
The management system is wrong. The system should have job performance check for 胡温. If they are not good, they should be fired. Also important national decision making should consult chinese public, like referendum tool. 胡温 have no right to put the future of Chinese people at perish due to loss of limited rare earth. 胡温 fail to safeguard precious rare earth. What a disgusting life. |
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