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一党两派 and two parites, the diff
送交者: Snow 2011月06月11日14:06:06 于 [世界时事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 搂主无知: “一党两派”是中国未来半世纪国制。 历经风浪的老水手 于 2011-06-11 02:21:37

一党两派 and two parties, what is the difference between them? Both sounds very much similar.  in 一党两派 governing system, government officials are mixed with 两派, but team spirit should dominate, to ensure collaboration among government agencies is no problem.  

In topical Democracy, one party governs, which compose of prime minister office and cabinet, the other party oversight, which compose of  parliment or congress.  There are around 400 jobs are partisan at federal government level. The rest of officials belong to public service, there are around 200,000. Around 39 key departments are all neutral ones, such as Agriculture Department, Industry Department,   in which all employees (includes deputy ministers) are non-partisan to ensure collaboration and efficiency and seemless integration of human and resources.   

两派 system cannot go too far, shoud confined to the party caucus, cannot exist with the governing body, which hurt collaboration and efficiency and integration of human and resources. Keep life simple, let one 派 governs while the other 派 oversignt.  

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