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Use License system
送交者: Snow 2011月05月27日16:59:42 于 [世界时事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 我认为易中天不是人 heyman 于 2011-05-27 16:34:29

To ensure the quality of the professionism of intellectuals, like writers, lawyers, teachers, doctors, dentists, journalists, artists,etc, government in the West set up agencies to test them, and give them licenses. Job just offer to those with license. License is not permenent, needs to be renewed for every certain period of time. Lose of license means lose of job. This is a good management of professionism.  Chinese government should put focus on the development of such a adminstrative system for professionism management, instead of put efforts on the household management system.  This Professonalism Management System can protect both customers interest and national interest by issuing and suspending license to ensure professionism.

This license management system is similar to license issued to company to ensure a company's environment and other required performance to protect customers. This is how the government to control direction and protect public and national interest. Powerful individuals and company cannot harm the public and nation due to whatever reason, like lack of professionlism or being used by foreigners.

  Are you blind? - heyman 05/27/11 (417)
    I don't like 易中天, - Snow 05/27/11 (334)
      Sorry I missed your point, my - heyman 05/27/11 (390)
        I am supporting you - Snow 05/27/11 (369)
        看你蠢的,被老道脱掉裤子后都变神经质了。谁跟贴都以为在骂你  /无内容 - 道友 05/27/11 (353)
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