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some factors deter the wide
送交者: redsunshine 2011月03月06日23:08:22 于 [世界时事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: Can you provide the evidence? usezguy 于 2011-03-06 17:45:46
application of solar power in Europe and north America, for example, the heavy pollution during the fabrication of solar panels and low electron mobility in the transition of solar energy into electrical energy. Actually it is still in research or improvement stage. Chinese government did not care about  these problems. you can say that China is in a leading position of mass production and application of solar power,  but not technology. A funny thing is that most facilities for fabrication were imported from other countries. How can you ensure that your technology is much farther ahead than others.  China is presently a test field, but not a cradle of technologies.   A good analogy,  in China, almost every province owns a cement factory, but you seldom see it in Europe or north America.

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