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送交者: redsunshine 2011月02月26日11:00:44 于 [世界时事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: curry plant是daisy family长于地中海区 透气 于 2011-02-26 08:48:25
The curry tree (Sinhala: කරපිංචා, Tamil:கறி (curry)வேர்ப்பிள்ளை, Kannada:ಕರಿಬೇವು Telugu:కరివేపాకు Malayalam: കറിവേപ്പില) (Murraya koenigii; syn. Bergera koenigii, Chalcas koenigii) is a tropical to sub-tropical tree in the family Rutaceae, which is native to India. The name itself in Tamil is pronounced as 'kariveppilai' ( kari-curry, veppu- neem and ilai-leaf ) which is the literal translation of curry leaves. The Tamil name means "leaf that is used to make curry" and it is present in almost all the dishes of Tamil nadu (a state in south India) in addition to coriander leaves. Often used in curries, the leaves generally go by the name "curry leaves", though they are also called "sweet neem leaves." It is an unavoidable content of curries in South India, where without curry leaves, curry seems to be tasteless. The Kannada name means "black neem", since the appearance of the leaves is similar to the unrelated bitter neem tree. Curry leaves are also entirely unrelated to bay leaves and basil leaves, which are aromatic leaves from the Mediterranean.
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