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You fucking moron really
送交者: redsunshine 2011月01月23日08:42:58 于 [世界时事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: you are a fking idiot true_false 于 2011-01-23 06:19:38
made me lose my temper.  Did your fucking brain get fucking shit in, right ?  or  when your fucking mother delivered fucking stupid you,  your fucking skull  stuck into your fucking mother's too tight and stinking vagina and totally fucking damaged, right ?  Otherwise, how to explain your fucking psychiatric behaviors in this forum? No one can understand what your fucking english writing means.  I am wondering:  Did you get your fucking psychiatric problem from your fucking stupid parents ?  or your fucking condemned  family has such stupid fucking moron's gene,  so it is a fucking hereditary problem in your fucking family,  right?   if so, it is not surprising that you are a 1000% fucking stupid idiot. 

A good warning to you: brushing your fucking disgusting tooth and watch your fucking smelly mouth before  talking to me.  I am very good at playing with a fucking stupid dog.
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