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About Seymour Topping (西默·托平)
送交者: usezguy 2011月01月16日16:18:04 于 [世界时事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 纽约时报90岁前总编:我在重庆看到延安精神(组图) 地富反坏 于 2011-01-16 14:11:58

Seymour Topping (born December 11, 1921) is a highly accomplished and experienced journalist, editor, writer, and educator. Following military service as an infantry officer in the Pacific during World War II, he joined the Associated Press in 1948 as a foreign correspondent in China and Southeast Asia. He joined The New York Times Company in 1959, and during his 33-year tenure held positions such as chief correspondent in both Moscow and Southeast Asia, foreign editor, managing editor, and director of editorial development. He taught and lectured at Columbia University as the SanPaolo Professor of International Journalism until 2002 and is now an emeritus professor. He also served as Administrator of the Pulitzer Prizes at Columbia from 1993 to 2002.


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