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送交者:  2024年07月30日02:36:21 于 [世界游戏论坛] 发送悄悄话

The list of major invaders of India throughout its history often includes the following groups and empires:

  1. Aryans: Around 1500 BCE, the Aryans are believed to have migrated into the Indian subcontinent.

  2. Achaemenid Empire: The Persian Empire, under rulers like Darius I, invaded the northwestern regions of India around 520 BCE.

  3. Alexander the Great: In 326 BCE, Alexander the Great invaded India and conquered parts of the northwest, including Punjab.

  4. Indo-Greeks: After Alexander's empire fragmented, his successors, the Indo-Greeks, ruled parts of northwest India.

  5. Kushans: Originally from Central Asia, the Kushans invaded and established an empire in northern India around the 1st century CE.

  6. Huns: The Huna people, often identified with the Hephthalites or White Huns, invaded India in the 5th century CE.

  7. Arabs: In the early 8th century, Arab forces led by Muhammad bin Qasim invaded the Sindh region.

  8. Turks: Several Turkic invasions occurred, most notably by Mahmud of Ghazni in the 11th century.

  9. Ghurids: In the late 12th century, the Ghurid Empire, led by Muhammad of Ghor, established a foothold in India.

  10. Mamluks: The Delhi Sultanate was established by Qutb-ud-din Aibak, a former slave of the Ghurids, in the early 13th century.

  11. Mongols: The Mongols, led by Genghis Khan's descendants, invaded India multiple times in the 13th and 14th centuries, but they were unable to establish a lasting presence.

  12. Tughlaqs: The Tughlaq dynasty, part of the Delhi Sultanate, faced invasions from the Mongols but maintained control over India during their rule.

  13. Timur: In 1398, Timur (Tamerlane) invaded northern India, sacking Delhi and causing widespread destruction.

  14. Mughals: The Mughal Empire, founded by Babur in 1526, established one of the most significant empires in Indian history.

  15. Portuguese: The Portuguese established their presence in Goa and other coastal areas starting in the late 15th century.

  16. British: The British East India Company began its conquest in the 18th century, leading to full control by the British Crown in 1858 until India's independence in 1947.

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