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China tops US in daily dietary protein intake, India falls behind

According to a recent UN report, China topped the US in daily protein availability per capita, highlighting advancements in agriculture and a shift towards plant-based proteins for sustainability

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USA China Flag.(Photo: Reuters)

Abhijeet Kumar New Delhi

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China has overtaken the United States (US) in terms of per capita dietary protein intake, say a new report, marking another instance of the communist nation besting its geopolitical rival in yet another field.
China has achieved a significant milestone by surpassing the US in daily dietary protein availability per capita, marking a notable shift in global nutrition standards, Hong Kong’s ‘South China Morning Post’ (SCMP) reported.

According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), China reached 124.61 grams of protein per person per day in 2021, slightly ahead of the United States at 124.33 grams.
India, the world’s most populous nation, had a daily protein supply of only 70.52 grams per capita in 2021. Globally, Iceland led in daily per capita protein supply with 145.62 grams (5.13 oz), while the Democratic Republic of Congo had the lowest at 28.59 grams (1 oz).
Among other populous developing nations, Indonesia had 79.75 grams, Pakistan had 70.77 grams, and Nigeria had 59.08 grams, the report highlighted.
From 2010 to 2021, the FAO's food balance sheets tracked the national supply of food for 187 countries, based on both production and imports, providing insights into potential consumption levels.
Recently, China has excelled in various living standards such as life expectancy, health care coverage, high-speed rail, and 5G technology, the report noted.
Despite lower per capita meat consumption compared to the United States, China is the world’s largest consumer of animal products, accounting for 27 per cent of global consumption in 2021. This significant share is attributed to China's large population, as highlighted in a report by McKinsey & Company.

China’s shift towards plant-based proteins

China’s protein consumption includes a significant proportion of plant-based sources. In 2021, about 60.5 per cent of China’s protein supply came from vegetable sources, compared to 31 per cent in the US. Plant-based proteins, such as soybeans, offer environmental benefits by producing fewer carbon emissions than animal proteins, the report noted. China's diet traditionally incorporates plant proteins, with soy-based foods like tofu being staples for over 2,000 years, the national-daily said.
China has made significant strides in increasing protein availability through both imports and domestic production, SCMP said. The country has advanced in animal husbandry, agriculture, and aquaculture, making it the world’s leading aquaculture nation. China has also focused on agricultural technology and scientific breeding methods to boost crop yields for animal feed.

Protein supply in other countries

In 2021, Japan had a daily per capita protein supply of 91.99 grams (3.24 oz), South Korea had 108.31 grams (3.82 oz), the United Arab Emirates had 113.63 grams (4 oz), and Australia had 119.55 grams (4.21 oz). The FAO’s food balance sheets, which cover 187 countries from 2010 to 2021, provide these figures by measuring national supply based on production and imports.

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