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J 20 vs Rafale
送交者:  2024年06月30日15:01:10 于 [世界游戏论坛] 发送悄悄话

let me teach you something so next time you do not show you know nothing, haha :)) 

just compare J20, and your beloved Rafale, happy?

first both of them use AESA radar, assume they are both at the same level, can detect 3 sq M at 170 km 

assume RCS for Rafale is 0.5. happy ? J 20, as you believe, if not stealthy at all, with RCS 1, 2 times of Rafale, happy??

fine, but you do not know, J20 with an internal weapon bay, so with 6 missiles, its RCS remains as 1, 

however, for Rafale, its RCS become 10 with 6 missiles, so at least 10 times larger, therefore with the same level of AESA radar, Rafale will be detected by J 20 first, and shot down with China's PL 15 missile, it is useless for Rafale ot have Meteor missile, even it is as good, since it cannot detect and lock J20 in the same distance. 

kid, learn.

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