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There is no "argument" in India,
送交者:  2022年12月06日05:08:20 于 [世界游戏论坛] 发送悄悄话

There is no "argument" in India, since 'argument" consists of 2 parts. 1 opinion 2. fact supports opinion. In India they only have opinions which are based on  what they believe, not fact needed. Only dependent on belief is called religion, based on fact and logic, is science. In India only religion, no science, nor logic.  For religion, it originated with multiple gods, then graduated in Ancient Egypt under The Pharaoh Akhenaten, forming a single God, Sun god. but in India, Hinduism still remained as the most primitive form, with over 200 million different gods. this nation, never development, not fit to the modern civilization at all

In India, like in other extreme religion, as long as they believe something, that thing must be true. they do not see reality, with 4.7 million covid deat.h, they still think they are better in control the virus than the with total covid dea.th less than 5300.  with Global hunger index 107, they think they superpower, richer than the country with GHI 5.the pity of this is for the families lost their old parents, and for the families without enough food for their children. There are 5.75 million children in India with malnutrition, the largest number in the world, Children are the future of a country, India is a country does not care about their children, and therefore it is a country totally has no future.

China uses Marxism as the core of its base for the ideology,  the core of Marxism is "Seek Truth from Facts", so we make policies all need to be based facts, on real number real data, not just based on what we believe. India is different since in India, "fact" is not important, what other people, such as west and US said, it important, so they have all the political system and ideology from west, and do not see they do not work for India at all.

so we hear Indians shout "India superpower 2020", they were not boasting, they believed it would be true. if not, then , they can just change the year, to , "India superpower 2030, ..40, ..50..."

before I liked to accuse Indians lie, now I realize, that is not accurate, lie is something you say when you know it is not true, but for Indian, they say things they believe, so to them, it is their believe, so it is true. as for if what they said are fact or not, that is different thing, so to them, they did not lie.

for the same reason and principles, Indians believe those not fit into their believe as lies, since what they believe are truth, those do not fit into their believes must be lies... such as WHO reported 4.7 million covid de.ath in India is a lie, and India global hunger index 107, just another lie.

Modern society modern country is built upon science and logic which is the basic for any technology so the country can be developed into civilized identity for a nation. a country like India build based on primitive BS religion, without any logic, without science, not based on fact, but on BS, based only on dreams with no plan how to realize the dream,  will have not future, not hope, just as showing in India now.  All India's problems are fundamental, in its religion, culture, tradition, political system, society, ideology, ...........none of them can be changed, and Indians treat all these trashes as their treasures, therefore, they do not want to change anyway. they dig a huge grave for themselves, no way out.

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