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送交者:  2021年01月10日19:03:08 于 [世界游戏论坛] 发送悄悄话
That last line is very interesting. I don’t think Chinese are familiar with Pakistan’s ideological origins on Islam or the predictions of the prophet Muhammad (saw) on this state. He said a state is going to be created in the east, from the land beyond/after khorasan (Iran/Afghanistan) it will have better horsemen (fighters) and weaponry than the Arabs, god will support Islam through this nation. He also said black rising military ensigns (most likely black fighter jets) will rise from the east. To join them cross over mountains of ice as it’s the army of Imam Al Mahdi (who will rule the world). There’s other sayings that directly relate to Pakistan from the prophet Muhammad but many Islamic scholars are saying the reason why the prophet said “even if you have to climb over mountains of ice” is because to enter Pakistan at that time to fight this war the fighters will be unable to enter from the sea, neither the west as the Middle Eastern countries will be in a state of war, neither the east as India is an enemy and the only route for the fighters to enter Pakistan will be through China and over the Himalayas (mountains of ice). This army will conquer India and then it will head westwards (to Syria) and fight against the false messiah which the Zionist Jews are awaiting. There is a Persian saint called Shah Naimatullah Wali (I recommend you read his predictions they are mind blowing) from the 12th century Persia and he made many predictions that have all came true, predictions like the Afghan rulers by name, the Turks leaving Central Asia conquering Constantinople, the Sikh religion, the British Invasion of South Asia, the creation of a non-Muslim (India) and Muslim country (Pakistan) the wars between them but then he said something very interesting he said the western half (Pakistan) will receive the help off the Mongols from the north (in them days Chinese were known as Mongols to the Iranians) and the Turks, Iranians and Afghans, they will then conquer the whole of India. The Pakistani military are an extremely professional army but they are very religious as Pakistan was created on religious grounds. We respect China a lot because China has helped us and we are going to rise very soon and become a powerful nation not only regionally but internationally. We will never forget the help of the Chinese people. I hope we stay allies forever. Sorry for the long comment.

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