“While experimental physicists and engineers tackled that problem, theoretical physicists had already been hard at work thinking about the next step: the ignition of a large mass of thermonuclear fuel by a relatively small fission explosion. The breakthrough came in early March 1951 (two months before the planned tests at Eniwetok), when Edward Teller and Stanislaw Ulam came up with a promising design (the details of which are still highly classified). Calculations based on the new design commenced immediately, most of them done by Los Alamos scientists. In addition, scientists used some of the earliest computing machines to help with calculations.”
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Although essentially weightless, X-rays can exert great pressure. In an H-
bomb, the preressure (several million pounds per square
inch) is exerted uniformly on the fusion material and long enough for the fusion pro
cess to work before the material is blown a part.
cess to work before the material is blow