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In general, it shows
送交者: x-file 2020月03月15日02:13:57 于 [世界游戏论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: Pakistan Could Have Technical Edge on Indian x-file 于 2020-03-13 17:41:39

In general, it shows India lacks an intelligent leader, it shows in every field especially in defense.  India's defense concentrated in area not essential and lacks deep consideration without a vision. One example is India gave up Su-57 project with total waste of $300 million already put into it, and get Rafale,  and now, just a few days ago, India's new air chief said that India has no edge over Pakistan even with Rafale since PAF will have JF-17 III with PL 15, why did IAF thought about it earlier???  the former IAF air marshal would have been executed in any other country since under his leadership, IAF had no achievement and made all kind of mistakes possible.If India has no edge over PAF's JF-17 with PL 15, how about to China's J16? J10? J20, ....all of them can be with PL15 and of them are better than JF-17 III???

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