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南棒出击了?-S. Korea takes actions against N. Korea-CNN
送交者:  2010年05月23日20:45:15 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话


S. Korea takes actions against N. Korea

By the CNN Wire Staff
May 23, 2010 9:33 p.m. EDT

Seoul, South Korea (CNN) -- South Korean President Lee Myung-bak announced Monday that his country is suspending trade with North Korea and closing its waters to the North's ships in the wake of a report from Seoul that concluded North Korea sank a South Korean warship in March.

The announcement came as the U.N. Command investigates whether the sinking violated the armistice between the two nations.

The United Nations Command said Friday it is convening a "special investigations team" from 11 countries will "review the findings" of an investigation into the incident and "determine the scope of the armistice violation."

The nations are Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, New Zealand, South Korea, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United States, Sweden and Switzerland.

A South Korea-led international investigation into the sinking of the Cheonan on March 26 has concluded that North Korea fired a torpedo that cut the vessel in half, an incident that killed 46 sailors and an allegation the North strongly denies.

The North said it wanted to send its inspectors to investigate but said South Korea could not receive them because it wanted the issue dealt with in the framework of the armistice.

"It is the stand of the north side that there is no justification to plug such bogus mechanism as the 'Military Armistice Commission' into the case as it was faked up by the south side to be an issue between the north and the south from its outset," the North Korean government said in a message published Saturday by the Korean Central News Agency.

The North said South Korea should "immediately receive" its inspectors and "produce material evidence without a shred of doubt" that it fired a torpedo at the ship.


  一哭,二闹,三上吊 - 庶民上篮 05/24/10 (426)
  ONLY Monday? or FROM Monday? - yaa 05/23/10 (400)
  土共倒打一耙的本事太差 - laker_fan 05/23/10 (503)
    200KG TNT在噪音之内.  /无内容 - 被禁言的人 05/23/10 (404)
      要看传感器位置。韩沿岸可以记录到清晰震动曲线 - 司马昭 05/24/10 (421)
        对这个事情最好有个概念.  /无内容 - 被禁言的人 05/24/10 (421)
      水爆,传播更远。  /无内容 - 司马昭 05/23/10 (391)
        那是针对水听设备说的,水里爆炸震波不好传递到土地。  /无内容 - 无为 05/23/10 (412)
          空气,水,土地都是一种震动传播介质。不存在好不好传问题  /无内容 - 司马昭 05/23/10 (395)
            你该补一补波在不同介质之间传递时,在介质交接处发生的折射,反 - 无为 05/24/10 (397)
    棒子的沉舰的事情,倾向观点比事实真相重要。  /无内容 - 小鱼锅贴 05/23/10 (420)
      美国态度很诡异。美韩在水下没有部署监听站,难以想象。  /无内容 - 司马昭 05/23/10 (442)
  好!朝鲜越是封闭、南北越是对立对中国越是有利。  /无内容 - 小鱼锅贴 05/23/10 (441)
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