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People see this clear
送交者:  2024年03月09日03:53:32 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话

 China has 1.4 billion people that want to live a better life and have the same standard of living as Americans. If the CCP does not give it to them then the Chinese government is looking at a revolution. China got as far as it has by being the worlds cheap labor sweatshop, but now it is the time for other countries to do this.

The promise is that you work like a dog for a generation at low wages and make rich fat cats in the developed world even richer, but after a few decades, you get rich and then you get to join the fat cat club. China is at the point where it wants in, and if the US does not want China to be an equal nation then there is a problem.

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