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IAF to depart on 7th July to US for Red Flag Exercises

By Frontier India | July 6th, 2008 | Category: Indian Air Force News | No Comments »


The Indian Air Force would be participating in a multinational Air Exercise, ‘Ex – Red Flag 08’ at the invitation of United States Air Force (USAF), scheduled to be held at Nellis Air Force Base in the US from 09-23 Aug 08.

The IAF would be participating in the exercise with eight SU-30 MK-I aircraft, two IL-78 air to air refuellers and one IL-76 transport aircraft. The contingent would comprise 156 personnel below officers rank and 91 officers (inclusive of 10 members of ‘Garud’ IAF Special Force team). The contingent is being led by Gp Capt D Chaudhury and Exercise Coordinator would be Gp Capt Ajay Rathore.

Exercise Red Flag is a multinational air exercise that is held thrice a year at Nellis Air Force base, USA. The IAF would be participating in the Exercise alongside South Korean Air Force with F-15K and the French Air Force with their latest Rafale aircraft, apart from the USAF. Red Flag was originally conceived in 1975 by USAF with an advanced aerial combat training format – the purpose being to ensure that pilots are trained well enough to survive in air combat and win air battles. The exercise holds tremendous learning opportunity for all the participating Air Forces.

Prior to the main Exercise Red Flag 08 at Nellis, the IAF’s contingent would be working up at Mountain Home Air Base in Idaho, US from 17 Jul 08 till 07 Aug 08. At Mountain Home, the IAF contingent would be flying with the F-16s & F-15s of USAF. The purpose of the work up phase is to streamline the procedures and have a clear understanding of the new flying environment.

The IAF contingent with its aircraft are scheduled to depart from Pune on 07 Jul 08 and transit via Doha (Qatar), Chorlu (Turkey), Mont de Marsan (France) and Lages (Portugal) before reaching land main USA and Mountain Home airbase on 17 Jul 08.

    呵呵,老美就是看看印度的俄机,完了就完,没工夫陪他们练  /无内容 - 父皇 04/23/10 (367)
  中途需要加油吗? - yaa 04/23/10 (408)
    另外有两架伊尔加油机同行。  /无内容 - x-file 04/23/10 (383)
    他们好像到西班牙的美军空军基地停了加油。  /无内容 - x-file 04/23/10 (381)
      法国据说巨滑,派了几架电侦机去,光看不玩  /无内容 - 父皇 04/23/10 (365)
    印度有27吗?好像没有,是30.  /无内容 - x-file 04/23/10 (373)
      那官家不仅仅说27,还说是MKK,hmy无语。  /无内容 - hmy 04/23/10 (373)
        哈。官家外行。上次军演,15和MKI基本上是打个平手。  /无内容 - x-file 04/23/10 (376)
          官家找来个懂点的来谈,h问,如何在地面区别27与30?未答。  /无内容 - hmy 04/23/10 (380)
            意思是这个问题太简单了。哈  /无内容 - x-file 04/23/10 (409)
              最简单的都无法回答,唉,hmy直叹气。  /无内容 - hmy 04/23/10 (395)
                苏-30MKI和Su-27 - x-file 04/23/10 (473)
                  当年在这里讨论过,最简单应该是座舱外那个红外头的位置,27靠 - x-file 04/23/10 (518)
                    三翼面简单,容易看。  /无内容 - hmy 04/23/10 (395)
                  其实很容易区别,后来的官家不认真。  /无内容 - hmy 04/23/10 (386)
          雷达都不开,有什么意思?  /无内容 - 父皇 04/23/10 (373)
            它们接受预警机指挥,根据美国人说,他们好像也开雷达,要不怎么 - x-file 04/23/10 (397)
              狗斗,阿三是不开雷达的,怕泄参数  /无内容 - 父皇 04/23/10 (405)
                在內華達州的紅旗演習他們有開.  /无内容 - cph 04/23/10 (407)
                  这种都是非作战模式,和实战不一样  /无内容 - 父皇 04/23/10 (398)
                    是的.紅旗演習大家都不開雷達,一起在沙漠上空兜圈子. - cph 04/23/10 (390)
                    即使开了,也无法模拟导弹攻击,只能是狗斗 - 父皇 04/23/10 (422)
                      美國人說印度人開了他們的以色列干擾系統.那一定是謊言.  /无内容 - cph 04/23/10 (400)
                        老美是预警机+数据连  /无内容 - 父皇 04/23/10 (422)
                          紅旗演習沒你想像的那麼單一.也有一對一,小編隊的接戰. - cph 04/23/10 (470)
                            拉倒吧,吃咖喱多了你  /无内容 - 父皇 04/23/10 (421)
                              自己去看美空軍上校演習完後的簡報,然後再開口. - cph 04/23/10 (427)
                                基本是胡扯,告诉你 - 父皇 04/23/10 (421)
                                  那位上校有4500小時的經驗.你比他還明白.失敬,碰到高人了 - cph 04/23/10 (406)
                                    只有傻子才当真 - 父皇 04/23/10 (411)
                                  干扰--以中那次,涉及面极广,明白的人不多。  /无内容 - hmy 04/23/10 (439)
                                    贝卡谷地之战 - 父皇 04/23/10 (438)
                                      目前,全世界的空军在22面前,常规对抗,都是满地找牙。  /无内容 - hmy 04/23/10 (422)
                                        自然  /无内容 - 父皇 04/23/10 (469)
    同样的机队,就是拚战术和飞行员的技巧,提高有限。  /无内容 - hmy 04/23/10 (404)
      不同火控系统,不知道怎么界定导弹攻击的胜负,同一家的还好办  /无内容 - 父皇 04/23/10 (348)
        锁定数据。  /无内容 - hmy 04/23/10 (377)
          和实战差别太大  /无内容 - 父皇 04/23/10 (375)
            好过自己的机队对打。  /无内容 - hmy 04/23/10 (344)
              就是熟悉对方的飞机和操作,老美的便宜赚大了 - 父皇 04/23/10 (370)
                印度机种不少。另外,俄飞行员敢疯飞27和30,其它国家不敢。  /无内容 - hmy 04/23/10 (365)
                  一堆旧东西,老美看得兴趣怕都没有  /无内容 - 父皇 04/23/10 (378)
                    过几年,看看印度会不会把50飞到红旗演?  /无内容 - hmy 04/23/10 (390)
                      猴年马月吧  /无内容 - 父皇 04/23/10 (372)
                        这次地震,把玉树军分区骑兵连震出来,中国骑兵不多了。  /无内容 - hmy 04/23/10 (372)
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