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'Mariachi musician' gunmen kill three in Mexico Ci
送交者:  2018年09月15日18:43:37 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话

'Mariachi musician' gunmen kill three in Mexico City

6 hours ago
a heavy police presence around the Plaza Garibaldi in the wake of the shooting                            

Police patrol the area of Mexico City where gunmen dressed as mariachi musicians killed three people (15 Sept)

Gunmen dressed as traditional mariachi musicians have killed at least three people and wounded at least seven in Mexico City.

The armed men opened fire at a road crossing on the edge of the Plaza Garibaldi, a major tourist attraction packed with mariachi bars, police said.

The gunmen then fled from the scene on motorbikes.

Plaza Garibaldi borders the notorious Tepito district, home to the violent La Union drugs gang.

Tepito has suffered a wave of violence over the last month after the gang's presumed leader, Roberto Moyado Esparza - or  El Betito - was arrested.

The number of killings in the city, the Mexican capital, has surged since 2014.

More than 200,000 people have been killed or have disappeared since December 2006, when Mexico's government declared war on organised crime.

Mexico experienced its most violent year in 2017 with more than 25,000 murders, official figures suggest. It is the highest annual tally since modern records began. Organised crime accounted for nearly three-quarters of those murders.

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