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RTOS trends and challenges (2016)
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RTOS trends and challenges

Dr. Johan Kraft, Percepio AB

OCTOBER 24, 2016


Some decades ago, the embedded industry shifted focus from assembly to C programming. Faster processors and better compilers allowed for raising the level of abstraction in order to improve development productivity and quality.

We are now in the middle of a new major shift in firmware development technology. The increasing use of real-time operating systems (RTOSes) represents the third generation of embedded software development. RTOSes introduce a new abstraction level that enables more complex applications, but not without complications.

An RTOS is a fast, deterministic operating system for use in embedded and IoT applications. These operating systems are often very small and so are suitable for use in microcontrollers (MCUs). The main job of an RTOS is to provide multithreading, thereby allowing for separation of software functionality into multiple "parallel" programs, which are known as "tasks." An RTOS creates the illusion of parallel execution by rapidly switching the executing task. Unlike general-purpose operating systems, an RTOS gives the developer full control over the multithreading and therefore enables deterministic real-time behavior.

There are many benefits of using an RTOS, but it is not a solution in itself and it comes with new challenges. Many developers have already dived into RTOS-based design, often without fully realizing the implications; they have used development tools that are without proper support for RTOS-based development; and -- due to this -- they may have encountered significant difficulties with regard to debugging and validation.

The RTOS trend
RTOSes have been around since the early 1980s, but -- for a number of reasons -- they are becoming more and more common. Embedded applications are becoming increasingly complex, connected, and event-driven, using advanced peripherals and middleware stacks that all need to be managed in parallel. Using an RTOS simplifies this greatly. The alternative to using an RTOS is to implement some kind of execution control yourself, using custom states and logic. For more complex applications, this tends to gets complicated, error-prone, and problematic to maintain. By using an RTOS, you delegate the execution control to a highly optimized RTOS kernel that has been thoroughly tested and proven in use.

Although using an RTOS implies a minor processing overhead, RTOS-based design is often more efficient than a traditional super-loop design. This is because RTOS tasks can wait for activation events without wasting processor time, and response times can be faster because of shorter ISRs (interrupt service routines) and pre-emptive scheduling. Moreover, today's MCUs often feature fast 32-bit cores with substantial amounts of Flash and RAM memory, making the RTOS footprint less of a problem.

The rising popularity of freely available and open-source RTOSes has made RTOS-based design more accessible and created large user communities -- a kind of "critical mass" that works as a positive feedback loop. RTOSes are no longer a hype, as they were 10-15 years ago, but are used broadly in all sorts of embedded applications. It's not only commercial RTOS vendors who are advocating RTOS-based design; many MCU vendors now include RTOSes in their software development kits. FreeRTOS is included by several MCU vendors, including ST, NXP, and Atmel. Renesas includes the ThreadX RTOS and has made it the foundation of its Synergy SDK, expecting you to use it. Moreover, Silicon Labs recently acquired Micrium, a leading RTOS vendor, most likely to integrate Micrium's μC/OS in its SDK.

The RTOS trend is also clearly visible in the Embedded Market Survey, probably the most established and trusted study of the industry. The most frequent answer for "greatest technology challenge" is now "RTOS." This concern has grown significantly from 12% in 2013, to 17 % in 2014, up to 26% in the 2015 survey. A related trend is that the use of in-house solutions, or bare-metal design (no RTOS), is decreasing in favor of leading RTOSes. The RTOS market has historically been very fragmented, but now seems to be slowly consolidating as developers gravitate towards the leading players.

Although an RTOS is no "silver bullet" that solves all problems, and is perhaps not suitable for certain systems, the increasing use of RTOSes is without question a major trend today and one that's likely to continue.

Challenges of using an RTOS
So what makes an RTOS so special that it can be called the third-generation in firmware design? An RTOS is a very special software component, since it takes control over the program execution and brings a new level of abstraction in the form of tasks. When using an RTOS, the control-flow of your program is no longer apparent from the source code, since the RTOS decides which task to execute at any given moment. This is a fundamental change, similar to the shift from assembly to C programming, as it allows for higher productivity using higher abstraction, but also means less control over the fine details.

This is a double-edged sword. It can make it easier to design complex applications, but these applications may subsequently turn out to be difficult to validate and debug. While an RTOS can reduce the complexity of the application source code, it does not reduce the inherent complexity of the application itself. A set of seemingly simple RTOS tasks can result in surprisingly complex runtime behavior when executing together as a system.

As was previously mentioned, an RTOS is not a solution in itself, and there are many pitfalls for the unwary. The developer needs to determine how the tasks are to interact and share data using the RTOS services. Moreover, the developer needs to decide important RTOS parameters like task priorities (relative urgency) that can be far from obvious. Even if you have written all your code according to best practices in RTOS-based design, there might be other parts of the system -- in-house or third-party components -- that run in the same RTOS environment but that may not follow the same principles.

The fundamental problem that makes RTOS-based design difficult is that RTOS tasks are not isolated entities. There is at least one kind of dependency between the tasks -- their shared processor time. With fixed-priority pre-emptive scheduling, higher priority tasks can wake up and take over the execution at almost any point, thereby delaying the execution of lower priority tasks until all of the higher priority tasks have completed.

Other kinds of shared resources (such as global data or hardware peripherals) also results in dependencies between tasks, as the necessary synchronization may block the tasks from executing when desired. This may cause unpredictable delays if not designed correctly, independent of task priorities.

An example of this kind of problem can found in NASA's Pathfinder mission, where they landed a rover on Mars. During the mission, the spacecraft experienced total system resets causing lost data. After much trouble, NASA found the cause to be a classic RTOS problem known as "Priority Inversion."

Pathfinder with the Sojourner rover during preparation (Source: NASA)

Priority Inversion may occur when a high-priority task (Task H) tries to access a shared resource such as a communications interface, currently in use by a lower priority task (Task L). Normally, Task H would become blocked for a brief duration until Task L returns the shared resource. Priority Inversion occurs if a medium-priority task (Task M) happens to pre-empt Task L at this point. The blocking of Task H then becomes much longer, all because of an unrelated task with lower scheduling priority. In the NASA Pathfinder case, this caused a watchdog timer to expire and reset the system.

Priority Inversion shown in the Percepio Tracealyzer (Source: Percepio)

Task dependencies like scheduling and shared resources are affected by timing; e.g., execution times and input timing. Such timing properties are not visible in the source code and tend to vary depending on system state and situation. This makes it nearly impossible to predict the real-time behavior of an RTOS-based system from the source code alone. Depending on many factors, tasks may execute slower than intended, have random unexpected delays, or never get to execute at all. And even if the system seems to operate as intended in the lab, there can be countless other execution scenarios with more or less significant differences in timing, some of which might cause problems. In the worst case, the system passes testing but crashes at random occasions for your customers. Such problems can easily be missed during system-level testing. Also, they can be a nightmare to reproduce for analysis unless you have access to detailed diagnostic information associated with the problem.

Debugging RTOS-based systems
It is quite natural to want to debug on the same abstraction level as you develop. When the embedded industry moved from assembly to C programming, debugging tools quickly followed by providing source-level debugging, thereby making the C code perspective the normal debugging view. However, debugging tools have not evolved to any significant extent in response to the RTOS trend. Some debuggers have been updated with "RTOS awareness" features that allow you to inspect the state of RTOS objects -- like tasks and semaphores -- while debugging. But these are incremental improvements of the "second generation" source-level debugger, with strict focus on the source code and run/halt/single-step debugging. Debugging an RTOS-based system using only a traditional source-level debugger is equivalent to using an assembly-level debugger when programming in C.

To fully understand the runtime behavior of an RTOS-based system, you need the ability to observe the real-time behavior at the RTOS level; i.e., a tracing tool with RTOS awareness. This works as a complement to traditional debugging tools, providing a timeline at the RTOS level that greatly facilitates debugging, validation, and performance optimization. While a traditional debugger is much like a microscope for inspecting the detailed execution within a task, tracing is more like a slow-motion video of the real-time execution.

There are two types of tracing, with slightly different purposes: Hardware-generated and software-generated. Hardware-generated tracing provides a detailed execution trace at the source code or assembly level, but with little or no RTOS awareness. In order to record the high-speed data stream, it requires advanced tracing hardware and suitable trace support, both in the processor and on the board. This kind of tracing tends to produce vast amounts of data at a low abstraction level, which can be difficult to comprehend and is limited to the tracing functionality implemented in the processor. Hardware-generated tracing is mainly used for coverage analysis and debugging of particularly nasty problems, where an instruction-level trace is required.

Software-generated tracing means that snippets of trace code are added to the target software for the purpose of recording important events in the RTOS and also -- optionally -- in the application code. You typically don't need to insert the RTOS trace code yourself, as this is often provided by the RTOS or tool vendor. With software tracing, any software event can be recorded, including any relevant data, on essentially any processor. The downside is the overhead of the tracing code, but RTOS-level tracing on a modern 32-bit MCU requires only a few percent of the processor time, since relatively little data needs to be recorded and the traced events are not very frequent. This makes it possible to stream the data continuously using common debug interfaces, or other interfaces such as USB or TCP/IP. The low data rate also allows for tracing to a RAM buffer. Just a few kilobytes can be sufficient for getting a decent trace of the most recent events. This way, tracing can be used outside the lab as well; e.g., during field testing or in deployed operation.

Visualization is crucial for comprehending traces. Many embedded systems have more or less cyclic behaviors, so most of the trace data will be irrelevant repetitions of "normal" behaviors. The interesting parts are usually the anomalies, but they can be hard to find if you don't know exactly what to look for. The human brain is, however, phenomenal at recognizing visual patterns and anomalies, assuming that the data is visualized properly.

While several tools can display an RTOS trace as a classic Gantt chart, this visualization is not suitable for displaying other events in the same view; e.g., API calls or user logging. However, a vertical execution trace can display such events using text labels, pointing into the graphical execution trace. Moreover, showing just an execution trace is a quite limited perspective, since a lot more information can be derived from an RTOS trace. For instance, the interactions of tasks and ISRs can be presented as a dependency graph, and it is also possible to show trace views focusing on other relevant RTOS objects, such as semaphores, queues and mutexes.

The RTOS trend is quite apparent in the embedded industry and for good reasons. Due to increasingly complex and connected applications, more and more developers rely on an RTOS. Moreover, the RTOS market is consolidating as developers gravitate towards the leading solutions.

RTOSes can be regarded as the third generation of firmware development, since multithreading brings a higher level of abstraction and less detailed control over the execution. This has significant pitfalls that call for better debugging support at the RTOS level. Common debugging tools have not, however, evolved significantly in response to the RTOS trend; instead, they typically offer only incremental improvements to the traditional debugger concept.

The debugging of RTOS-based systems can be simplified with better insight into their real-time execution. This requires RTOS-level tracing, where visualization is crucial to make sense of the data. Several tools can display an RTOS trace as a horizontal Gantt chart, but this is not ideal. More sophisticated visualization is both possible and available, optimized for RTOS traces, that makes it easier to understand the runtime system, spot important issues, and verify the solutions.

Dr. Johan Kraft is CEO and founder of Percepio AB, a Swedish company developing Tracealyzer -- a solution for software-generated tracing and advanced visualization targeting RTOS-based development. Dr. Kraft holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science and his earlier academic work focused on practical methods for timing analysis of embedded software, which was performed in close collaboration with regional industry. Before his doctoral studies, Dr. Kraft worked as an embedded software developer, focusing on control software for industrial robots.

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