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送交者:  2018年04月04日16:46:55 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话

Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross: China tariffs amount to only 0.3% of US GDP

 Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross says China's new tariffs do not represent a threat to the United States. China's tariffs "amount to about three-tenths of a percent of our GDP. So, it's hardly a life-threatening activity," he says. Berkeley Lovelace Jr. | @BerkeleyJr Published 53 Mins Ago  Updated 14 Mins Ago CNBC.com PLAY VIDEO 

 Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross told CNBC on Wednesday that China's new tariffs do not represent a threat to the United States. China's tariffs "amount to about three-tenths of a percent of our GDP. So, it's hardly a life-threatening activity," Ross said in a "Squawk Box" interview. "It's relatively proportionate to the tariffs we put on based on the intellectual property." Earlier Wednesday, China announced additional tariffs on 106 U.S. products, less than 24 hours after President Donald Trump unveiled a list of Chinese imports that his administration aims to target as part of a crackdown on what he deems unfair trade practices. The moves sent Dow futures plunging in Wednesday's premarket. China said the 25 percent levy on U.S. imports includes products such as soybeans, cars and whiskey. The tariffs will likely increase concerns of a tit-for-tat trade war between the United States and China provoked by Trump's announced levies on imports of steel and aluminum early last month. In a tweet early Wednesday, Trump said the U.S. is "not in a trade war with China," adding "that war was lost many years ago by the foolish, or incompetent, people who represented the U.S." Ross agreed, saying "several presidents got us into this deficit. This is the president who is going to get us out of it." China's "response should not surprise anyone," Ross said, adding he didn't think anyone expected that the Chinese "would do nothing" in response to the United States tariffs. "I'm frankly a little surprised that Wall Street was so surprised by it. This has been telegraphed for days and weeks," Ross said. Trump is a "lifelong deal maker" and China's tariffs are not the "first controversy he's gone into," Ross said. "This is not World War III." The Commerce Department recommended imposing heavy tariffs or quotas on foreign producers of steel and aluminum in February in the interest of national security. Ross said at the time that steel is important to U.S. national security and that current import flows are adversely affecting the steel industry. Shortly after Trump announced the tariffs, Ross told CNBC the plan for tariffs of 25 percent on imported steel and 10 percent on aluminum products is"no big deal." He used cans of Campbell's Soup and Coca-Cola to stress his point about what he called insignificant price increases from Trump's tariffs. China's ambassador to the United States explained to CNBC on Tuesday evening why his country was striking back against U.S. trade measures. —CNBC's Sam Meredith contributed to this report.

      98年中国只有0.1万亿美元,19年净增值就有110倍?  /无内容 - ausec 04/05/18 (453)
        98年中国gdp比日本略少,(中国)2万亿美元,  /无内容 - 石国成 04/05/18 (438)
        如果中国拿不到石油人民币定价权,到2049gdp也追不上美国  /无内容 - 大牙笑掉了 04/05/18 (455)
    如果真是这样,川普干嘛与中国斗?部长有点问题。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 04/04/18 (544)
        你这算法算錯了。丢票仓选区,得到大州支持率升等于零。 - 大牙笑掉了 04/04/18 (595)
          不对,你这算的是选总统。不是中期选举算法 - bookmarks 04/04/18 (512)
            你又錯,就算中期選议员的小选区,仍然共和黨输了。 - 大牙笑掉了 04/04/18 (541)
              对错看结果吧。错也是川普的错  /无内容 - bookmarks 04/04/18 (436)
              结果是参众两院共和党双输,川普将成为跛鸭总统  /无内容 - 大牙笑掉了 04/04/18 (432)
                是谁输掉参众两院?爲什么?是川普,因为贸易戰  /无内容 - 大牙笑掉了 04/04/18 (451)
          题外话:加州湾区的房价涨疯了,百万的房,一年涨三十万。 - 黑木崖 04/04/18 (651)
        那不见得。打得顺,才会有支持。打得不顺,美国人就会反战。  /无内容 - 大虫 04/04/18 (433)
        越南战争开始后,总统的日子不好过,谁都不行。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 04/04/18 (462)
          版主圣明,中期选举川普算是输定了。  /无内容 - 石国成 04/04/18 (408)
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