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中国驻世贸大使怒斥美对华贸易战:中国人像竹子一样,坚韧难折 2018-03-27 07:56 商务微
送交者:  2018年03月27日07:27:03 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话


2018-03-27 07:56                                           
  Statement by Ambassador ZHANG Xiangchen on

  the US Section 301 at the Meeting of the WTO’s

  Council on Trade in Goods

  (Geneva, 26 March 2018)



  (3月26日 瑞士日内瓦)



  Thank you, Mr. Chairman.


  China noticed that on 22 March, the United States published the final conclusions and measures of the Section 301 investigations against China.Chinafirmly opposes this action by the US. The unilateral action of the US Section 301 investigations will not only impair the rights and interests of China and other WTO Members, but also seriously undermine the multilateral trading system.

  美国做法违反了世贸组织(WTO)的最基本精神和原则, 为《争端解决谅解》(DSU)第23条所禁止的单边做法。根据WTO裁定和美国承诺,美国不能通过301调查单边认定其他成员做法是否违反世贸规则,在处理涉及世贸协定的事项时,美国须依据世贸规则和争端解决机构(DSB)的最终裁决。

  Section 301 investigations and measures are purely unilateral which are per se prohibited by Article 23 of the DSU, and violate the most fundamental values and principles of this organization. According to the WTO rulings and the US commitment, the US shall by no means determine unilaterally based on a 301 investigation that other Members have violated the WTO rules. When it comes to matters related to the WTO Agreements, the US shall strictly abide by the WTO rules and findings of the DSB.


  What US has done contradicts its commitments that US had “explicitly, officially, repeatedly and unconditionally confirmed” before the Panel in DS152, that the USTR would base a Section 301 decision only on adopted DSB findings. The panel in DS152 also warned that “should theUSrepudiate or remove in any way these undertakings, theUSwould incur state responsibility since its law would be rendered inconsistent with the obligations under Article 23.”

  WTO成立后,美国已基本停止依据301调查结果采取单边措施。美国此次罔顾其国际承诺,开了一个非常恶劣的先例。 我们必须齐心协力阻止301死灰复燃,并重新把它关进WTO规则的笼子里。

  The unilateral measures of US Section 301 had been ceased after the establishment of WTO, however, upon this time, theUSis setting a very bad precedent by bluntly breaching its commitment made to the world. WTO members should jointly prevent the resurrection of 301 investigations and lock this beast back into the cage of the WTO rules.


  China is fully prepared to react to the conclusions and measures of Section 301 by the US, and will firmly take the WTO rules and other necessary ways to safeguard its legitimate rights and interests. Undoubtedly, China is facing a tough test, and we’re prepared for the difficulties ahead. If someone asks what the character of the Chinese people is, I’d say that it is like a bamboo, resilient enough to dance in the wind, but strong enough to withstand tremendous pressure.

  单边主义与WTO水火不容。覆巢之下,没有完卵。 如果有人企图明哲保身,而任贸易保护主义肆虐,最终将自食其果,追悔莫及。WTO是我们共同的港湾,需要大家一起维护。

  Unilateralism is fundamentally incompatible with the WTO, like fire and water. In the open sea, if the boat capsizes, no one is safe from drowning. We shouldn’t stay put watching someone wrecking the boat. The WTO is under siege and all of us should lock arms to defend it.


  Thank you, Mr. Chairman.



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