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送交者:  2017年10月27日19:17:03 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话


西班牙巴塞罗那 - 加泰罗尼亚地区议会星期五通过一项议案,建立一个独立的加泰罗尼亚共和国,在激烈的辩论之后投票决定从西班牙分离,看到反对党议员在表决前出面抗议。

在西班牙首相马里诺亚·拉霍伊(Mariano Rajoy)在马德里发表了激动人心的演讲之后,巴塞罗那的投票是在国会参议院提出特别宪法措施,以控制加泰罗尼亚的自治权力并停止该地区的独立竞标。




区议会的独立立法者在掌声和颂歌爆发时,当时的主要发言人卡尔梅·范卡德尔(Carme Forcadell)宣布通过一项宣布该地区独立的议案。

立法会议员呐喊着加泰罗尼亚的官方国歌,加入了数十位客人。区域总裁卡尔斯·普吉德蒙特(Carles Puigdemont)及其副总裁奥诺尔·朱奎拉斯(Oriol Junqueras)在投票后交换了贺卡和握手。




BARCELONA, Spain (AP) -- Catalonia's regional parliament passed a motion Friday to establish an independent Catalan Republic, voting to secede from Spain after an acrimonious debate that saw opposition lawmakers walk out in protest before the vote.

The vote in Barcelona came after Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy delivered an impassioned speech in Madrid, urging the country's Senate to grant his government special constitutional measures that would allow it to take control of Catalonia's autonomous powers and halt the region's independence bid.

The vote was approved with 70 in favor of independence, 10 against and two blank ballots in Catalonia's 135-member parliament.

Rajoy immediately called for calm despite the vote, which Spain is deeply set against. No country in the world has expressed support for independence for Catalonia, a region in northeastern Spain that has 7.5 million people.

"I call on all Spaniards to remain calm. The rule of law will restore legality to Catalonia," he said on Twitter.

Separatist lawmakers in the regional parliament erupted in applause and chants when the chamber's main speaker, Carme Forcadell, announced the passing of a motion to declare the region's independence.

The lawmakers stood to chant the Catalan official anthem, joined by dozens of guests. Regional President Carles Puigdemont and his vice president, Oriol Junqueras, exchanged congratulatory embraces and handshakes following the ballot.

Outside, thousands who had gathered near the parliament building to call for independence cheered, with some dancing and raising glasses after seeing the vote and the counting live on a giant screen.

The motion that passed calls for beginning an independence process that includes drafting Catalonia's new top laws and opening negotiations "on equal footing" with Spanish authorities to establish cooperation.

Hours earlier in Madrid, Rajoy made his case for measures to keep Spain unified. The conservative leader, who received sustained applause before and after his speech, told the chamber that Spain was facing a challenge not seen in its recent history.

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