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Clean coal research (DOE)
送交者:  2017年09月20日23:40:49 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话

DOE's clean coal R&D is focused on developing and demonstrating advanced power generation and carbon capture, utilization and storage technologies for existing facilities and new fossil-fueled power plants by increasing overall system efficiencies and reducing capital costs. In the near-term, advanced technologies that increase the power generation efficiency for new plants and technologies to capture carbon dioxide (CO2) from new and existing industrial and power-producing plants are being developed. In the longer term, the goal is to increase energy plant efficiencies and reduce both the energy and capital costs of CO2 capture and storage from new, advanced coal plants and existing plants. These activities will help allow coal to remain a strategic fuel for the nation while enhancing environmental protection.

Advanced Energy Systems

DOE's Advanced Energy Systems R&D

FE's Advanced Energy Systems program focuses on improving the efficiency of coal-based power systems, enabling affordable CO2 capture, increasing plant availability, and maintaining the highest environmental standards. The program supports gasification R&D to convert coal into synthesis gas that can be converted into electricity, chemicals, hydrogen, and liquid fuels. The program also advances hydrogen turbine designs to improve the performance of pre-combustion CO2 capture systems and supports advanced combustion systems through R&D focused on new high-temperature materials and the continued development of oxy-combustion technologies.

Crosscutting Research

DOE's Crosscutting Research program

FE’s Crosscutting Research program serves as a bridge between basic and applied research by fostering the development and deployment of innovative systems for improving efficiency and environmental performance through the research and development of instrumentation, sensors, and controls targeted at enhancing the availability of advanced power systems while reducing costs. The program is also active in the areas of computation, simulation, and modeling focused on optimizing plant design and shortening developmental timelines.

Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage Research

DOE's CCUS Major Demonstrations program

The Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage R&D program advances safe, cost effective, capture and permanent geologic storage and/or use of CO2. The technologies developed and large-volume injection tests conducted through this program will be used to benefit the existing and future fleet of fossil fuel power generating facilities by creating tools to increase our understanding of geologic reservoirs appropriate for CO2 storage and the behavior of CO2 in the subsurface.

Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage Major Demonstrations

Our CCUS Major Demonstrations program works in partnership with industry to develop and demonstrate advanced carbon capture, utilization and storage technologies at commercial scale.

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