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美国家安全助理: 中美共识,必须制止朝鲜核武器
送交者:  2017年04月17日03:44:22 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话

North Korea: US, China agree 'provocative' nuclear program cannot continue, Trump adviser says

Military vehicles carry missiles with characters reading 'Pukkuksong' during a military parade marking the 105th birth anniversary of country's founding father, Kim Il Sung in Pyongyang, April 15, 2017.

Military vehicles carry missiles at a parade the day before the failed test.


The United States and China both agree that North Korea's nuclear program cannot be allowed to continue, according to US national security adviser HR McMaster.

General McMaster's comments came as US Vice-President Mike Pence touched down in South Korea where he addressed Seoul-based US troops, saying US commitment to South Korea was unwavering.

"Let me assure you under President Trump's leadership, our resolve has never been stronger," he said.

"Our commitment to this historic alliance with the courageous people of South Korea has never been stronger."

Mr Pence was beginning a 10-day trip to Asia, including Australia, in what his aides said was a sign of US commitment to its allies in the face of rising tension.

After days of sabre-rattling, the North fired an unidentified land-based missile on Sunday that "blew up almost immediately", the US Pacific Command said.

While the failed test was initially met with a muted response from Washington, US President Donald Trump's national security adviser later signalled the US took the action seriously.

"This latest missile test just fits into a pattern of provocative and destabilising and threatening behaviour on the part of the North Korean regime," General McMaster told the This Week program.

"There is an international consensus now, including the Chinese leadership, that this is a situation that just cannot continue.

"The President has asked the National Security Council to integrate the efforts of the Department of Defence, State, our intelligence agencies — so we can provide options and have them ready for him if this pattern of destabilising behaviour continues and if the North Korean regime refuses to denuclearise."

South Korea said it would respond strongly to any further provocation.

"North Korea showing a variety of offensive missiles at [Saturday's] military parade and daring to fire a ballistic missile [on Sunday] is a show of force that threatens the whole world," South Korea's Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Mr Trump on Sunday acknowledged China's help with the North Korean issue, linking it to a softer line taken on North Korean ally China's management of its currency.

After months of labelling China "currency manipulator", Mr Trump's softer rhetoric towards Beijing comes as the US tries to foster warmer relations in an effort to ease tension on the Korean peninsula.

In response to Pyongyang's missile test China's top diplomat Yang Jiechi spoke with US Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, to exchange views on the "situation on the Korean peninsula", China's official Xinhua News Agency said.

Mr Yang said the two sides should maintain dialogue.

  想想毛公怎么说的,纸老虎  /无内容 - hanfeng 04/17/17 (479)
      中朝还有有效条约,要撒手也应该先废约吧 - 慢两拍 04/17/17 (484)
        中苏珍宝岛之战、中印、中越之战,朝鲜依约出兵参战了?  /无内容 - 驭风 04/18/17 (481)
          另外两场基本上中方进攻,被进攻的条件不成立嘛  /无内容 - 慢两拍 04/18/17 (430)
            难道你不认为是印度侵占中国藏南领土才引起战争的?  /无内容 - 驭风 04/18/17 (383)
              还有,你不是说朝鲜在中印中越战争中支持中国吗?既然朝鲜都承认 - 驭风 04/18/17 (471)
            这类军事条约,都有一个条款,就是不能是侵犯别国 - 无语 04/18/17 (467)
              你觉得谁侵犯谁了?  /无内容 - 驭风 04/18/17 (424)
                哦,天朝打到新德里,打到凉山,至于算谁的,嘿嘿,随便  /无内容 - 无语 04/19/17 (450)
                  中国军队打到过新德里?你没事儿吧!中印之战,起因是印军进占了 - 驭风 04/19/17 (556)
                    号称是一回事,实际占领又是一回事。天朝军队有效管辖过那里么? - 无语 04/20/17 (441)
                    谁也别装孙子,打到新德里城下,简称一下,挑这种刺,有意思吗?  /无内容 - 无语 04/20/17 (416)
                      请“无语”网友参考一下这个:徐焰:中印边界自卫反击战时 - acarefreeman 04/20/17 (629)
                        把虚词当实词,把语气词当真事,也算真够搞的,欢乐些吧,哈哈哈  /无内容 - 无语 04/20/17 (448)
                          收到,谢谢:-)  /无内容 - acarefreeman 04/20/17 (429)
                        这真无所谓,就好比说越战直逼河内,本身不过就是虚词,斤斤计较 - 无语 04/20/17 (428)
            武装进攻---这要看谁来决定,什么是武装进攻? - 黑木崖 04/18/17 (448)
              条约规定的是义务吧,应该根据请求来的吧,否则就成了权力 - 慢两拍 04/18/17 (450)
                笑话!任何条约,都是权力与义务相符的,否则就成不平等条约了。  /无内容 - 驭风 04/18/17 (413)
                “武力进攻”怎么算?朝鲜问,中印土地怎么算?  /无内容 - 黑木崖 04/18/17 (437)
                  中印和中越,公开上朝鲜都是支持中方 - 慢两拍 04/18/17 (604)
                    你这主意倒是不错,下次朝鲜有战事,中国也可限嘴上声援两句得了  /无内容 - 驭风 04/18/17 (409)
                    朝鲜派兵援助中国没?  /无内容 - 黑木崖 04/18/17 (427)
                    倒是朝鲜半岛战争状态并未完结,按条约中方是有义务的吧 - 慢两拍 04/18/17 (485)
                      骨头硬和理想主义都是优点啊,朝鲜能是因此落得孤家寡人的吗?  /无内容 - 驭风 04/18/17 (427)
                      共军义务过,抗美援朝。朝鲜援中抗印度和越南的军人在哪里? - 黑木崖 04/18/17 (524)
          朝鲜和中苏都有条约,出兵也是两边同时派吧  /无内容 - 慢两拍 04/18/17 (412)
            那你还敢把这种可以签好几家并发生冲突的条约比作婚约吗?  /无内容 - 驭风 04/18/17 (404)
          留道思考题:为何中国明知朝鲜从不履约,却还坚持与其续约了呢?  /无内容 - 驭风 04/18/17 (443)
            中方明白:没有外部支持朝鲜只有被灭的份,朝鲜被灭不利于中方  /无内容 - 慢两拍 04/18/17 (408)
              有条约多个直接介入的借口而已,有实力想找借口太容易了 - 慢两拍 04/18/17 (436)
                有婚约的总不能象完全没有婚约的那样随便吧 - 慢两拍 04/18/17 (419)
                  你的问题就是和朝鲜一样,完全错误理解中朝关系的本质。中朝能是 - 驭风 04/18/17 (494)
      金太阳一个比一个狠,但自己的相对实力越来越悬殊 - eachus 04/17/17 (440)
      赞驭风!  /无内容 - ddl 04/17/17 (372)
      同意。所以南韩没戏。人不行。被纸老虎吓住了  /无内容 - hanfeng 04/17/17 (402)
        南北棒天性都是投机冒险分子。现在的麻烦是,川普好像也是……  /无内容 - 驭风 04/17/17 (448)
    纸老虎? 萨达姆,卡扎菲结局如何? - ddl 04/17/17 (445)
      纸老虎也是老虎的,震慑。萨达姆卡扎非没有。死了  /无内容 - hanfeng 04/17/17 (380)
      这俩恰恰没有大杀器,三胖说绝不走老路,哈哈  /无内容 - 无语 04/17/17 (347)
        靠核弹就能维系一个极端腐朽落后的政权皇祚永延,你信吗?  /无内容 - 驭风 04/17/17 (417)
          政权能否维持,与被外力侵犯倒台,是两个概念,不能偷换  /无内容 - 无语 04/18/17 (364)
            两个概念,同一条件。  /无内容 - 驭风 04/18/17 (367)
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