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送交者:  2017年04月16日05:03:15 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
North Korea Displays KN-11 SLBM for the First Time During Military Parade in Pyongyang

North Korea displayed several of its KN-11 Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile (SLBM) for the first time in public today during a large military parade in Pyongyang. The parade was organized to celebrate the 105th anniversary of the birth of its founding father Kim Il-Sung. Based on KCTV footage, at least 6x KN-11 were paraded. Some, if not all, of them may be full scale models however.

North Korea Displays KN-11 SLBM for the First Time During Military Parade in PyongyangKN-11 Submarine Launched Ballistic Missiles are paraded for the first time in public. Image from KCTV footage.

KN-11 (Pukkuksong-1) SLBM

The KN-11 is a new North Korean submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) that is under development. On 23 January 2015 The Washington Free Beacon, quoting U.S. military officials, reported that the flight test of the KN-11 missile occurred off North Korea’s coast. South Korean government officials declared later that the initial report was incorrect, saying "The reports on a flight test of the SLBM were different from the truth. It was a test of a vertical launcher, not a flight test".

The first actual missile flight test took place in July 2016. It was reported to involve a liquid fuel variant of the missile and to have failed in its initial flight stage. Another test involving a more advanced, solid fuel variant, took place in August 2016. South Korea military said the missile flew about 500 kilometers, which is an improvement compared with past test launches. North Korea's missile fell into waters under Japan's air defense identification zone, it added.

According to hisutton.com the KN-11 SLBM has the following specifications:
Length: 9.3m
Diameter: 1.5m
Weight: 14 metric tons
Warhead: Single nuclear weapon
Propulsion: Solid fueled rocket (oiginally a Liquid fueled rocket motor)
Launch: Submerged, ignited (not ejected) 

Range is unknown but because of the reduced size of its launch platform (the Sinpo-class submarine), the KN-11 is expected to have a fairly short range compared to other, land based ballistic missiles available in the North Korean arsenal.

North Korea Displays KN-11 SLBM for the First Time During Military Parade in PyongyangArtist Impression showing the location of the vertical launch tubes on the new Sinpo-class submarine. Image from "Covert Shores" website. They have a very comprehensive analysis of the Sinpo class submarine. Check it ou at www.hisutton.com

Sinpo-class Submarine

The Sinpo-class (also called Gorae) submarine is a new ballistic missile submarine, the largest submarine ever designed and built in North Korea. Nammed after the town where it was built, the Sinpo classcould be based on soviet era Yugoslavian designs such as Heroj and Sava. The new submarine first appeared on Google Earth imagery in April 2014. Based on the satellite imagery, it is estimated that the Sinpo-class is 65m (213 ft) long with a beam of 6.5m (21 ft). Only two vertical tubes for one KN-11 SLBM each are located in the sail of the submarine.

North Korea Displays KN-11 SLBM for the First Time During Military Parade in PyongyangNew mobile coastal defence missile systems were also paraded, believed to be able to launch the Kh-35/3M-24 anti-ship missiles.

The Saturday parade in Pyongyang took place amid tensions between the United States (and its allies Japan, and South Korea) and North Korea. North Korea could be preparing a 6th underground nuclear test a while the US Navy deployed the USS Carl Vinson carrier strike group to the Korean peninsula.

North Korea Displays KN-11 SLBM for the First Time During Military Parade in Pyongyang
KN-11 Submarine Launched Ballistic Missiles are paraded for the first time in public. Image from KCTV footage.

North Korea Displays KN-11 SLBM for the First Time During Military Parade in PyongyangKN-11 Submarine Launched Ballistic Missiles are paraded for the first time in public. Image from KCTV footage.

North Korea Displays KN-11 SLBM for the First Time During Military Parade in PyongyangFile picture: This photo, released by North Korea, shows the country's submarine-launched ballistic missile test fired in 2016.

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