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送交者:  2016年12月03日03:58:35 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话

Donald Trump invites Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte to White House during 'animated' phone call

Donald Trump and Rodrigo Duterte close up head shot

Rodrigo Duterte (L) has not tempered his rhetoric against the US, despite initial optimism of having Donald Trump in the Oval Office.


US President-elect Donald Trump has invited Rodrigo Duterte to the White House next year, during what an aide to the outspoken Philippines President described as a "very engaging, animated" phone conversation between the pair.

Mr Trump's brief chat with the Filipino leader came during a period of uncertainty about one of Washington's most important Asian alliances, stoked by Mr Duterte's unrelenting hostility towards the United States and his repeated threats to sever decades-old defence ties.

The call lasted just over seven minutes, Mr Duterte's special advisor Christopher Go said in a short text message to media, which gave few details.

Mr Trump's transition team had no immediate comment.

In his five months in office, the volatile Mr Duterte has upended Philippine foreign policy by berating the United States, making overtures towards historic rival China and pursuing a new alliance with Russia.

His diplomacy has created jitters among some Asian countries, wary about Beijing's rising influence and Washington's staying power as a regional counterbalance.

The maverick former mayor has praised China and told US President Barack Obama to "go to hell" and called him a "son of a bitch" whom he would humiliate if he visited the Philippines.

The anger was unleashed after Mr Obama expressed concern about possible human rights abuses in Mr Duterte's war on drugs, during which over 2,000 people have been killed.

Mr Duterte had initially expressed optimism about having Mr Trump in the Oval Office, saying he no longer wanted quarrels.

But it has not tempered his rhetoric and he has continued to rail at what he calls US "hypocrisy" and "bullying".

Sometimes referred to as the "Trump of the East" because of his mercurial ways, Mr Duterte has threatened repeatedly to sever defence ties between the two allies, saying he "hates" having foreign soldiers in his country.


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