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送交者:  2016年11月07日16:57:30 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话


1、         仍如此前的分析与预测,唐纳德·特朗普(DJT)将赢得佛罗里达州(FloridaFL29 选举人票(electoral votesEVs)),并将稳赢北卡罗来纳州(North CarolinaNC15 EVs)以及俄亥俄州(OhioOH18 EVs)。

2、         仍如此前的分析与预测,DJT还将稳赢爱荷华州(IowaIA6 EVs)、内华达州(NevadaNV6 EVs)与新罕布什尔州(New HampshireNH4 EVs)。

3、         其它传统红色州(Blue(蓝):民主党;Red(红):共和党)或无一例外地仍为红州,或有极个别意外但不大可能影响以下的预测。

4、         预计DJT将至少赢得科罗拉多州(ColoradoCO9 EVs)与密歇根州(MichiganMI16 EVs)中的一个;很可能同时赢得二者。

5、         预计DJT将至少赢得宾夕法尼亚州(PennsylvaniaPA20 EVs)与佛吉尼亚州(VirginiaVA13 EVs)中的一个;在理想情况下将同时赢得二者。

6、         暂无足够信息可以决定其它摇摆州或传统蓝州可能变红。

7、         综合以上所有信息,DJT将以291 或更多的EVs赢得2016118日的大选。

8、         以上预测的一个重要前提是包括民意测验公司在内的主流媒体对DJT存在着系统性的偏见;仅以FL为例,最近一周内的五个民意测验结果显示他平均落后于希拉里·克林顿(HRC)三个百分点,但是参考了其它民意测验的综合分析却显示他将以至少2.6%的优势赢得佛州。这个例子虽无法证明同样的民意调查偏见在各个摇摆州都会存在,但是却提醒读者必须极为慎重、极为理性、极为睿智地对待这些信息。

9、         某些重要的信息源以及推理细节将在必要时贴出。




附:Part II of Suggested Campaigning Strategies for the Final Days Before Election Day Which Was Sent to Mr. Trump:


(5) Stay decisively on your campaigning messages & your opponent’s vulnerabilities, and be extremely disciplined with yourself. It is said that he who conquers the world is a great man, but he who conquers himself is a sage. Be both a great leader and a sage, Mr. Trump, and you will never let your supporters down, will you?

(6) Do not call it a win until after you have actually crossed the finish line, and just remember that even if only 1~2% voters make up their mind at the last moment, that would be still enough to make or break a win in some of the most fiercely contested battleground states. Keep vigilance with any type of voting irregularities, but please also remember that unless voting fraud happens in a very large scale, and happens across states, there is almost no way that your opponent can rob a victory from you.

(7) Take extraordinary care with your personal safety, and develop a cordial, respectful, and trustworthy relationship with all those around you especially with your security details. Just remember that because of the increasing likelihood that you are winning the general election, more and more people have come to live in despair. While it is important to continue to project a leadership image of being calm, confident, and inspiring, it also important to significantly enhance security measures wherever you go, and keep close contact, and coordination, with local campaign rally organizers and local law enforcement officials.


To be continued.

    反应小留新移民的态度,华人中的一小撮  /无内容 - bookmarks 11/08/16 (645)
    在此 - ddl 11/08/16 (691)
  摇摆州攻防策略(续) - acarefreeman 11/08/16 (740)
    继续研究攻防,不过要抓紧时间. - 曾利 11/08/16 (813)
      版主,请保留此人此贴。  /无内容 - acarefreeman 11/08/16 (495)
        收到。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 11/08/16 (477)
          非常感谢;没想到还在值班:-)  /无内容 - acarefreeman 11/08/16 (471)
            有点累了,先休息一会儿;版主晚安,88.  /无内容 - acarefreeman 11/08/16 (497)
  四百年前那个Nostradamus已预言希赢。  /无内容 - 死丢脾气儿 11/08/16 (549)
  你对川普太乐观了 - 给力 11/07/16 (702)
    还可以乐观一天半。  /无内容 - 评民 11/07/16 (460)
    “明摆着希婆稳赢”?  /无内容 - ddl 11/07/16 (443)
  特里普要赢所以股市大涨? - 曾利 11/07/16 (571)
    股市涨是因为FBI放弃追查希拉里吧,川普赢股市应该会跌。  /无内容 - 横刀一啸 11/07/16 (440)
      money talks,任何分析都闭嘴。  /无内容 - 曾利 11/07/16 (556)
  谢谢学术分析!  /无内容 - helmsman 11/07/16 (434)
    不客气。下面我将重新开帖针对最新情况进行分析,欢迎关注。  /无内容 - acarefreeman 11/09/16 (445)
    好的。谢谢提醒。  /无内容 - acarefreeman 11/07/16 (451)
  这里有一篇中共内部讲话,是支持川普的: - 敌营十八年 11/07/16 (992)
      谢谢驭风的分析。我觉得川普也不全是民粹。他在 - 敌营十八年 11/08/16 (771)
          并不是挻川普,而是奔共和党去的,民主党的AA确实让华人恐惧。 - 老张三 11/08/16 (597)
          要辩证地看“正派”,这也可从几个层次来看, - 醒狮 11/08/16 (624)
          说得极是。我也是这么个感觉。  /无内容 - 敌营十八年 11/08/16 (464)
      川普若胜选,共和党肯定会分裂。  /无内容 - 评民 11/07/16 (423)
      最终决定还是共和党选出来的electoral votes,  /无内容 - 太阳黑子 11/07/16 (497)
        一月份的共和党electors可以投给希拉里,或弃权  /无内容 - 太阳黑子 11/07/16 (434)
      说的对,即使他赢得了popular votes,但最终决定  /无内容 - 太阳黑子 11/07/16 (469)
  game over。希婆恐怕赢了。  /无内容 - e-mail 11/07/16 (628)
      哦,忘了交代:某些所谓的摇摆州其实本来就没有 - acarefreeman 11/07/16 (859)
  床铺冻祘,克婆坐牢!  /无内容 - ddl 11/07/16 (395)
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