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送交者:  2016年09月24日19:41:05 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话





First, you find a house and scope it out
Find a Chinese neighborhood, cause they don't believe in bank accounts
Second, you find a crew and a driver, someone who ring the doorbell
And someone that ain't scared to do what it do
Third, you pull up at the spot
Park, watch, ring the doorbell and knock
Four, make sure nobody is home
They gone, okay it's on
Don't be scared, nigga, you're in now
If the police come you gonna find out who your friends now
That ain't them talking, that's your mind playing tricks on you
You're conscious cause you know you got nines with two clips on you
But fuck that, motherfuck that plasma
And fuck that laptop, go and get that jewelry box
You tryna get paid?
Go take that jewelry box to the Slauson they'll give you cash back in the 
same day
Meet the motherfucking flockers
Make some noise if you've ever stole something in your life
Don't be ashamed, it's okay, baby
Make some noise if you've ever stole a dollar out your mama's purse
Niggas don't know the history 'bout the fly
Put the flathead in the door
Pull it, make it go fly
Hit the first drawer, grab a nigga some socks
That nigga in the car better be listening to that box
Ay, I ain't staking out shit, nigga
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe and ding dong ditch
Ain't a safe I can't crack, nigga, that's on Crip
I'm with my Pirus from Compton, we gon' pass and get rich
50 racks, three niggas, 65 a split
Let some weeks go by we at the dealership
I never took notes
Nigga I need the pink slip
Hit Icey, making up for my bullshit
Spent about ten cash
We jumped into the whip and did the whole dash
Deez-Lo my nigga, my nigga
Hit my first lick pass with my niggas

  签名算数了。  /无内容 - 大漠狼烟 09/26/16 (49)
  自卫还是转轮手枪好,不必拉枪栓不必担心卡壳臭火  /无内容 - 大虫 09/26/16 (93)
    就是一颗一颗一颗一颗上子弹的时候容易被打死。  /无内容 - shanghai1228 09/26/16 (51)
  所以我们必须要有枪。  /无内容 - hutu 09/25/16 (69)
  Shameless nigxx! - 独钓江上洲 09/25/16 (112)
  谢谢教授!! - 老哥 09/25/16 (73)
  这就是文化和野蛮的区别了。抢劫能致富?  /无内容 - hanfeng 09/24/16 (94)
    能。欧洲人抢了印第安人的美洲,致富了  /无内容 - 夜猫 09/26/16 (53)
      天不生仲尼给印第安人。还是自身缺欠文化,灭顶之灾  /无内容 - hanfeng 09/27/16 (54)
  同时应该可以向Youtube投诉,它对所贴的视频要负责  /无内容 - CA_maple 09/24/16 (74)
  谢谢,同时转发到了微信群。  /无内容 - 老张三 09/24/16 (50)
  刚才去签了,再谢谢你提供这机会去签名。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 09/24/16 (78)
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