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送交者:  2009年08月31日15:27:37 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话

WASHINGTON — The United States on Monday urged Myanmar to halt attacks on ethnic minorities, saying it was "deeply concerned" about the fighting.

"We urge the Burmese authorities to cease their military campaign and to develop a genuine dialogue with the ethnic minority groups, as well as with Burma's democratic opposition," State Department spokesman Ian Kelly said in a statement.

The junta-run television in Myanmar, which was earlier known as Burma, said Sunday that 26 state security personnel and eight ethnic rebel fighters had been killed in three days of clashes near the Chinese border.

The broadcast ended a news blackout on the unrest between the army and rebel Kokang forces in the remote northeast of Myanmar.

Kelly said "the brutal fighting has forced thousands of civilians to flee their homes for safety in Thailand and China, and has reduced both stability and the prospects for national reconciliation in Burma."

Refugees headed back across the border Monday, but some said they feared a fresh outbreak of violence.

Officials in China's southwestern Yunnan province said 37,000 refugees had streamed into the country from Myanmar following days of fighting in Kokang, a mainly ethnic Chinese region of Myanmar's Shan state.

The fighting comes as President Barack Obama's administration reviews its policy toward Myanmar which has been under both US and European Union sanctions.

"I would expect sometime in the next couple weeks, as we get through the summer holidays and... the Labor Day break, that we will have a final review and approval of a Burma strategy," Kelly said.

He declined to answer questions about Washington's stand on sanctions.

The Obama team has been skeptical about sanctions as a diplomatic tool and supports engagement with US foes.

The United States and European Union have imposed sanctions on Myanmar due to its refusal to recognize the last elections in 1990 and prolonged detention of the victor, democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi.

US Senator Jim Webb, after returning last week from a rare trip to Myanmar, called sanctions against the military regime "overwhelmingly counterproductive" and asked the opposition to consider taking part in upcoming elections.

Webb, whose against-the-grain views on Myanmar have infuriated some activists, voiced concern that Western isolation of Myanmar pushed it into the arms of China, "furthering a dangerous strategic imbalance in the region."

  TG要鸡飞蛋打了, 果敢被灭, 还给敌人赚了便宜  /无内容 - lia 08/31/09 (403)
  目的达到了,日本小兄弟也进去了,当然要停火。  /无内容 - 老六路 08/31/09 (386)
      可能小时候父母比较溺爱这人自我感觉太好,可到了社会上谁鸟他啊  /无内容 - 黄瓜切片 08/31/09 (413)
      贴错地方了。  /无内容 - armor 08/31/09 (401)
  对比美国,中国外交部应该想想自己的发言 - 用兵如神 08/31/09 (459)
    看看杨外长屁精样就知道TG外交部会如何放屁了  /无内容 - hwang2k 08/31/09 (383)
    胡八股十一在天安门再如何提劲也只是一个纸老虎  /无内容 - hwang2k 08/31/09 (393)
    机会又丧失了,2天前就该出兵,送上门来那有不出兵的道理  /无内容 - 父皇 08/31/09 (404)
      仍有办法,武装果敢军打回去,夺回家园,合情合理。  /无内容 - 老六路 08/31/09 (382)
      现在美国见好就收一发话,怕美国的TG出手这件事就彻底黄了。  /无内容 - 黄瓜切片 08/31/09 (387)
      TG最烦干涉別国内政了.己所不欲,勿施于人  /无内容 - 江城子 08/31/09 (386)
  停火这话还都让别人讲  /无内容 - wolf3 08/31/09 (372)
    米国骂缅政府狗血喷头,派个参议员去,缅就屁颠屁颠,  /无内容 - lala88 08/31/09 (401)
      老缅是在搞“远交近攻”,TG是在搞“远攻近交”!  /无内容 - afishman 08/31/09 (376)
      TG被缅暗踢一脚,还得对缅陪笑脸. 在缅民族武装也失去信任。  /无内容 - lala88 08/31/09 (432)
      TG被缅暗踢一脚,还得对缅陪笑脸. 在缅民族武装也失去信任。  /无内容 - lala88 08/31/09 (423)
        落下一个支持军政府的恶名,一旦缅政权更迭,TG就是大输家  /无内容 - lala88 08/31/09 (394)
  死几个中国人和汉人关美国人什么事  /无内容 - sungod 08/31/09 (352)
  中国外交部应与美国国务院牛B劲接轨呀  /无内容 - hwang2k 08/31/09 (358)
  果然是这个美国参议员Webb在幕后推。  /无内容 - afishman 08/31/09 (356)
    左手推打,右手宣和,土共的小子们只会讲是“消灭毒枭”...  /无内容 - 父皇 08/31/09 (370)
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