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Putin Issues Order On ISIS: “Annihilate Them ..."
送交者:  2015年11月18日06:56:34 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话

Russia’s Putin Issues Order On ISIS: “Annihilate Them…”

Over the last two decades, no other world leader with the possible exception of George W. Bush has been as consistently opposed to, and willing to confront, Islamic terrorism as has Russia’s Vladimir Putin. Where Barack Obama repeatedly refuses to even acknowledge the term radical Islam, or Islamic terror, Putin has consistently set out to destroy what he personally views as a scourge upon humanity.

With mounting evidence that now has U.S. intelligence experts suggesting with a 90% certainty that the Russian airliner that fell out of the sky over northern Egypt a week and a half ago, killing all 224 aboard was the result of a bomb, it is being said Putin’s long-standing disgust of radical Islam has reached a boiling point and the Russian leader intends to show no mercy to ISIS and ISIS-related factions in Syria and beyond.

This will not have been the first time Vladimir Putin and Islamic terrorists have tangled, though his just-initiated war upon ISIS is on a much larger scale than previous confrontations.


Among the most well known of such confrontations took place in 2002 when Chechen Muslim militants stormed a Moscow theater and took 850 hostages. The terrorists demanded Russia end the second Chechan War which was largely being waged by Russian government forces against a myriad of radicalized Islamic groups. For nearly 72-hours Russian officials considered their options. The Chechen militants were well armed, had placed explosives throughout the theater, and threatened to begin killing hostages unless their demands were met.

Vladimir Putin quietly listened to potential response measures from his military advisers and continued to weigh diplomatic options. His patience came to an abrupt end when Denis Gribkov, a 30-year-old male hostage was shot and killed followed by the execution of two more female hostages. Within a few hours of those killings, Putin ordered Russian special forces to raid the theater, save as many of the hostages as possible, and kill every single Muslim militant inside.

His direct order was that not a single one of the terrorists was to be allowed to survive.

Not one.

None did.

Gas was first pumped into the theater which rendered most inside unconscious. (and is believed to have caused the deaths of some of the hostages) Then Russian special forces entered the theater and proceeded to do what they were trained, and ordered by Putin himself, to do – they killed every one of the Muslim terrorists. No mercy was given to any of them. If a terrorist was found already passed out from the gas, an assault rifle was soon aimed at their heads and their life terminated.

Now this same no-mercy mentality has been reawakened within Vladimir Putin’s Russia as he turns his attention upon ISIS and other Islamic militants responsible for the airline bombing. Thousands of Russian tourists are being evacuated from the area, a precursor to the military campaign about to be unleashed upon ISIS forces.

Putin has openly declared his disdain for Barack Obama’s own limp-wristed year-long anti-ISIS campaign, implying the American president to be suffering from, “mush for brains.” He appears quite determined to show the world it is Russia, and not the United States, that will lead in the war on ISIS.  An earlier D.C. Whispers report summed up the current Putin-Obama relationship in this way:

“Mr. Putin is said to be consumed by a cold rage following the air tragedy and more determined than ever to see ISIS wiped from the face of the earth. He also, according to British media reports, admonished those he called his partners in the war against ISIS of “having mush for brains.” Most believe the statement was primarily directed at Barack Obama who himself has attempted to make jokes about Mr. Putin’s determination to fight ISIS more effectively than has the Obama administration over the previous year.”

It should be noted that it was Russia that initially warned the Obama administration of the threat from Chechen Muslim militant and eventual Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev  a year and a half before the April 2013 bombing.

The Obama White House neglected to act upon that warning, and the tragic mayhem in Boston was the direct result of an incompetence that went terribly under-reported by the Mainstream Media. To date no-one within the Obama administration has been held accountable for neglecting to act upon those warnings from the Putin government.

Is it any wonder then why Vladimir Putin has so little regard for Barack Obama’s ongoing unwillingness to more forcefully go after Islamic terrorism?

As for ISIS, they have clearly and unwisely poked the Russian bear.

Vladimir Putin is not Barack Obama. He has no inherent loyalty or sympathy to their jihadist cause. On the contrary, he has  years of history fighting them, and that history has been re-awakened now and Russian citizens are said to be united in their desire to see justice served, and in Russia, justice has long been something served cold without feelings of remorse, sympathy, or consideration for the wrongdoers.

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