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送交者:  2015年10月12日04:59:46 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
Russian air force strike the Islamic State in SyriaAvoiding Crisis: US Aircraft Ordered to Make Way for Russian Jets in Syria © Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation MIDDLE EAST 02:42 12.10.2015(updated 02:58 12.10.2015) Get short URL Topic: Russia Versus ISIL in Syria (182) 31543261 In the wake of US-Russian discussions on preventing accidental collisions between each others' aircraft while operating in the sky over Syria, the American side issued a special rule, prohibiting US jets from closely approaching Russian planes. Four Royal Air Force Typhoon FGR4 aircraft © FLICKR/ UK MINISTRY OF DEFENCE UK Military Attache to Clarify Alleged Permission to Down Russian Planes Defense representatives of both nations conducted a video conference on safe flight operations over Syria on Saturday, CNN reported. During the negotiations, they discussed ways of avoiding any possible incidents between Russian and American air forces during air raids in the sky over Syria. The US has implemented a decree that forbids American pilots from getting any nearer than 32.2 kilometers (20 miles) to Russian jets while flying over Syria. Moreover, if Russian aircraft is detected in the area of US military operation, any American forces are obliged to cancel their operations in the area. Several US air raids have already been cancelled under that rule. According to CNN, the US is concerned about the possible scenario in which a pilot would be forced to eject over Syrian territory, and situations like this are unacceptable for Russia as well. Pentagon representatives said that the hour-and-a-half meeting was “productive,” and Russian media sources reported a Russo-American agreement on the issue. So far that document hasn’t been revealed publicly. Chess © PHOTO: PIXABAY Syrian Chessboard: How Putin Will Win Out Over US Grandmasters These negotiations are not the first instance of such meetings. Talks between Russians and Americans to guarantee the safety of their respective flight operations over Syria have been carried out for the last two weeks. Both sides have now moved on to discussions about preventing approaches into Turkish airspace, considered to be an important issue for the US, but also for its NATO allies. During the recent series of Russian air raids against ISIL, militants suffered significant losses, according to CNN. The Russian defense ministry claimed that Russian military struck at least 55 ISIL targets, destroying the most crucial logistics centers of militants. Read more: http://sputniknews.com/middleeast/20151012/1028370993/US-Aircraft-Make-Way-Russian-Jets-Syria.html#ixzz3oJKbqBiO
  197919892015-突然有种似曾相识的感觉,嗯。  /无内容 - 这只是问题的一面 10/12/15 (549)
    这次跟上回美国在越南、苏联在阿富汉不一样。 - 横刀一啸 10/12/15 (607)
      得道多助,失道寡助的本质没变: - foc 10/12/15 (536)
          只要反阿萨德的武装里有不怕死的就够了。其他是幕后,有美撑就行  /无内容 - foc 10/12/15 (475)
            你说二毛的菠萝军厉害我相信,这班混混少了一天狗粮就散了 - eachus 10/12/15 (523)
              你说的这些越共和阿游击队都经历过。  /无内容 - foc 10/13/15 (468)
    错了,美英法澳飞机继续在叙轰炸,只是躲开俄机  /无内容 - 古宇庙 10/12/15 (522)
      只有俄在叙有基地,也只有俄在保阿萨德。走着瞧吧。  /无内容 - foc 10/12/15 (503)
        西方在叙利亚的邻国约旦土耳其以色列机场可以补给,起飞  /无内容 - 古宇庙 10/12/15 (582)
          西方在叙无兵,也就无被攻击的危险。西方也没有: - foc 10/12/15 (669)
            西方抽身就等于让俄国主宰,这是西方不能接受的 - 古宇庙 10/12/15 (654)
              俄国能主宰什么?  /无内容 - foc 10/12/15 (510)
                石油价格,武器市场  /无内容 - 古宇庙 10/12/15 (501)
                  被主宰  /无内容 - foc 10/12/15 (510)
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