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一个交易所 Interview Trader POsition Question
送交者:  2009年07月27日22:37:59 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
"I am told this is a genuine finance interview question. It had to be a trading interview, because no one but a trader would ask this in an interview. I considered transforming the question, but left it as is for authenticity. Avert your eyes if you are easily offended! How can three men and one woman have mutually safe heterosexual intercourse with just two condoms? Assume that no condom can break or leak, and that you cannot wash a used one."
    C把里面那个翻过来戴,再外面套上B用过的那个,上。  /无内容 - 小鱼锅贴 07/28/09 (391)
      C用的里面这个外表有精液,不许洗,套B用的那个,能不造成污染  /无内容 - u235 07/28/09 (377)
      B用过的两面都沾上了,你不保护那个女的了?  /无内容 - u235 07/28/09 (369)
        其中有一面还是那女性沾过的啊,再沾一次也无妨。  /无内容 - 小鱼锅贴 07/28/09 (354)
  翻过来一个,插到另一个里.啥交易所招人?  /无内容 - nusub 07/27/09 (349)
    合理的假设是这四个人都有可能有病  /无内容 - u235 07/27/09 (374)
      合理的假设是,都四个人了,还用啥套.  /无内容 - nusub 07/27/09 (357)
        能问这样的问题,怪不得能搞出金融危机  /无内容 - u235 07/27/09 (369)
    New York Stock Exchange  /无内容 - sigmaxi 07/27/09 (373)
      for real?  /无内容 - gucci 07/27/09 (346)
      that is why they use porn to - nusub 07/27/09 (350)
      Traders always say that - sigmaxi 07/27/09 (411)
        I will do the same.  /无内容 - nusub 07/27/09 (361)
  easy...put two on simultaneously.off 1, inside out  /无内容 - me3 07/27/09 (380)
    前提是套只要用过就不能再用,反面也有局部污染  /无内容 - u235 07/27/09 (343)
      It's optimal for what's given.  /无内容 - me3 07/27/09 (348)
        it's optimal to assume房地产价格不会降  /无内容 - u235 07/27/09 (319)
    smart, did you do this game b4 - sigmaxi 07/27/09 (338)
      No. I'd NEVER share a female.  /无内容 - me3 07/27/09 (323)
        you sure?  /无内容 - sigmaxi 07/27/09 (338)
          How about you?  /无内容 - nusub 07/27/09 (331)
          How about you?  /无内容 - nusub 07/27/09 (340)
      It's just fictional Q&A. - me3 07/27/09 (342)
        fucked up?3男1女在porn里头还蛮常见,他们连套  /无内容 - gucci 07/27/09 (345)
          So, it's fictional.  /无内容 - me3 07/27/09 (309)
  那位天才可以回答?  /无内容 - sigmaxi 07/27/09 (285)
    容易得很,四个人每人用一个面 - 武进 07/28/09 (296)
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