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最新: 海盾号周二下午又两次听到脉冲信号。另:海巡号听到的脉冲是自己的船发出的
送交者:  2014年04月09日07:42:24 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
  • 关于海巡号听到的声音,Angus Houston是这么说的:Some of the false leads that we've had actually had been the transmission

    from the ship that was actually searching, and it got its own transmissions back again. 


    Closing in: Ocean Shield detects two more signals in search for MH370

    Posted 18 minutes ago | Updated 7 minutes ago

    An Australian search vessel has picked up two more signals from what could be the black box from missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.

    The man in charge of the search, retired Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston, said the Ocean Shield picked up the traces on Tuesday afternoon and late on Tuesday night Perth time.

    He said he now believed the search was closing in on the area of MH370's "final resting place".

    "Hopefully with lots of transmissions we'll have a tight, small area and hopefully in a matter of days we will be able to find something on the bottom that might confirm that this is the last resting place of MH370," he said.

    More to come.

  澳就是一跟屁虫, - wolf3 04/09/14 (225)
    再去听听新闻,然后去面壁反省吧。  /无内容 - 很无聊 04/09/14 (88)
  军用雷达能看多远?民航777在10公里高空估计能探测到  /无内容 - eachus 04/09/14 (103)
      澳空军网上这个fact sheet很不错 - 生人 04/09/14 (169)
  Well, eventually the boy - 生人 04/09/14 (236)
    视频里没明说是哪家的错误  /无内容 - lurk 04/09/14 (84)
    blah blah blah  /无内容 - 生人 04/09/14 (79)
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