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送交者:  2014年03月30日20:35:06 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话

Russia to protect citizens from GMO food without violating its WTO obligations - Putin

Russia to protect citizens from GMO food without violating its WTO obligations - Putin

Russia has enough mechanisms to protect the market and citizens from genetically modified food, without violating its obligations to the WTO, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday.

"We must build our work so as it will not be contrary to our obligations within the WTO, but even with the circumstance taken into consideration, we nevertheless have lawful methods and instruments to protect the domestic market and citizens," the president noted during the meeting with members of the council of the parliament's upper house.

The market and citizens must be protected from poor-quality products and food, consequences of consumption of which are not fully studied yet, he notes.

"We can, must and will do it," Putin said, noting that the issue was discussed by the Security Council recently.

"We must act carefully, not to the detriment of our obligations within the WTO, but it can be done," the president repeated, noting scientific and laboratory research should be used. "We will do it together with the public, specialists and deputies," he said.

Putin with regret noted there was no control over GMO use. "We cannot 100 percent say what a volume enters our market," he said.

During the meeting, one of the senators noted the turnover of GMO seeds amounted to about $50 billion. The main holder of the right was the United States, he said. The senator asked the president to control it and noted that a draft law was submitted to ban import of such food into the country.

Voice of Russia, TASS


          别人态度我暂时不关心,我有耐心和时间等待你的答复,谢谢  /无内容 - tree 03/31/14 (394)
            感谢你的真诚,我愿意为你提一些我认为有益的建议,但可能要在 - acarefreeman 03/31/14 (464)
              谢谢。时间不是问题。  /无内容 - tree 03/31/14 (405)
      欧美有机食品和标出的非转食品,价高却供不应求。  /无内容 - solariser 03/31/14 (407)
      没有终极结论,但可以就现有认知,做现阶段的评估  /无内容 - tree 03/31/14 (405)
        评估当然是正反两方面,由评估再引申出具体管理措施  /无内容 - tree 03/31/14 (414)
    这不是科技问题,这是工程管理学问题。 - shanghai1228 03/31/14 (453)
      转基因作物,是科技产品,产科产品一定能从科技角度做安全评价  /无内容 - tree 03/31/14 (383)
          我想听的就是评价和策略。科技的各个行业,思路是一样的, - tree 03/31/14 (441)
    2013年巴西非转基因大豆销售中国一千万吨。世界没大豆净土吗  /无内容 - 黑木崖 03/31/14 (456)
      希望越多越好  /无内容 - 老弄堂 03/31/14 (428)
        “还能保留”,基本就是已经快没。事实上完全不是你幻想的那样。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 03/31/14 (423)
      都是网上看到的,东北一望无际种大豆麦子的地方去玩过 - 老弄堂 03/31/14 (705)
      嗯,谁谁想要抒发伟大情怀都可以,前提是必须尊重事实。  /无内容 - ha_ha 03/31/14 (372)
        你记错人了吧? 资料收集工作的??  /无内容 - 老弄堂 03/31/14 (419)
          你无意中回帖时说的,你居然会忘记?无意中的话通常很真实。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 03/31/14 (462)
            我不是,我是保险公司里做精算的. 不收集资料 :)  /无内容 - 老弄堂 03/31/14 (519)
              你当时说地是以前的工作。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 03/31/14 (441)
                既然你问道,就说实话,以前教过数学. 不过我记得我好像说过你 - 老弄堂 03/31/14 (482)
                  不仅仅你这样说,被人说过是懂中文的美军, - 黑木崖 03/31/14 (482)
          2014年,中央有文件涉及东北非转大豆种植的事,他也不清楚。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 03/31/14 (418)
            中央在政策上一直鼓励,即使转基因挤土,黑土地也不可能不种大豆 - dds 03/31/14 (481)
              2014年中央一号文件,启动东北和内蒙大豆、新彊棉花价格补贴  /无内容 - 黑木崖 03/31/14 (465)
                以前每年头一件事就是学习一号文件,胡温后恢复一号文件,很亲切  /无内容 - dds 03/31/14 (430)
                  那人肯定不看一号文件,陶醉在一望无际的幻想。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 03/31/14 (440)
                    一号文件来之不易,二十几年的弯路国难换来的。也是邓大人的伟大 - dds 03/31/14 (440)
                      早期一号文件很厉害,部队都要认真学。  /无内容 - dds 03/31/14 (455)
                        现在的人,许多不看资料和文件。情报专业的都乱说话: - 黑木崖 03/31/14 (477)
                          有人愿做睁眼瞎,没办法。  /无内容 - dds 03/31/14 (433)
    你乱说,2013年中国非转大豆种植3150万亩,东北和内蒙。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 03/30/14 (394)
      连接?  /无内容 - 老弄堂 03/30/14 (361)
        自己去查。以后,不知道的事,不要乱说。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 03/30/14 (352)
  不得不说,有普京真是俄罗斯人之幸!  /无内容 - acarefreeman 03/30/14 (384)
        我内心希望俄再分小块一些,所以俄有困境我有点开心。 - 海边 03/30/14 (393)
          明白了,谢谢回复。  /无内容 - acarefreeman 03/31/14 (315)
          认同。俄国占了中国那么多土地,他们分裂比团结好  /无内容 - j14bc 03/31/14 (349)
          实现中华民族伟大复兴就是大智慧.其实质就是建设世界领先的 - foc 03/31/14 (355)
    让人佩服!  /无内容 - 老弄堂 03/30/14 (327)
          你说俄罗斯的基本都对,但是你还可以想一想西方尤其是美国自己 - acarefreeman 03/30/14 (379)
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