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送交者:  2013年01月23日22:23:49 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话

The World's 10 Most Dangerous Airlines

Business InsiderBy Alex Davies | Business Insider – 3 hours ago

Flying was less deadly in 2012 than in any year since 1945, but that does not mean all airlines are equally safe.

The Jet Airliner Crash Data Evaluation Centre (JACDEC), which collects information about aviation accidents and safety, has published its annual Airline Safety Ranking.

The ratings take into account the number and deadliness of the hull losses (destroyed airplanes) they have suffered in the past 30 years, how they have fared more recently, and have many flights they have flown without incident.

The results do not take into account the cause of the hull losses, or whether the airline is at fault, so they are not a perfect measure of how safely an airline behaves.

Of 60 ranked airlines, here are the ten with the worst safety records, including the number of hull losses since 1983, and how many fatalities they caused:

#10 SkyWest Airlines: 3 hull losses; 22 dead

#9 South African Airways: 1 hull loss; 159 dead

#8 Thai Airways International: 5 hull losses; 309 dead

#7 Turkish Airlines: 6 hull losses, 188 dead

#6 Saudia: 4 hull losses; 310 dead

#5 Korean Air: 9 hull losses; 687 dead

#4 GOL Transportes Aéreos: 1 hull loss; 154 dead

#3 Air India: 3 hull losses; 329 dead

#2 TAM Airlines: 6 hull losses; 336 dead

#1 China Airlines: 8 hull losses; 755 dead

Update: This post has been updated to clarify how JACDEC produces its safety rankings.

  The results do not take into - hutu 01/24/13 (471)
  中华航空公司,台湾的。 不过台湾也是中国的一部分  /无内容 - 老弄堂 01/24/13 (418)
  西方媒体管用的下作手段 - lotofrain 01/24/13 (639)
    同感,大家看过Dredd(新特警判官)没有? - 都是浮云 01/24/13 (519)
  也得看看是不是飞机本身缺陷,可能全是美国飞机  /无内容 - 我不善良 01/24/13 (440)
    普通人也就是看个大标题---好像普通人看票价,很少看公司名。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 01/24/13 (455)
        中国国际航空公司的机票,在美国好像没有票价优势。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 01/24/13 (468)
            国航上,如果认识机上的人,免费升舱很容易。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 01/24/13 (482)
              一次国航班机取消,我不知,被直接带到南航柜台,直接商务舱  /无内容 - m1a3 01/24/13 (502)
                应是南航经济舱已满,国航付差额费让你坐商务舱。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 01/24/13 (497)
                  应该是这样。我是提前3个月买的票,之后就没有跟,到了柜台才知  /无内容 - m1a3 01/24/13 (478)
              南航也可以。我试过,提早打个招呼,最后上机,升级到商务舱。  /无内容 - 关羽 01/24/13 (481)
        国航安全记录顶呱呱  /无内容 - m1a3 01/24/13 (479)
          我是能做国航就做国航,飞行记录是最好的, 心里踏实。  /无内容 - 死丢脾气儿 01/24/13 (485)
            国航不是最好,国际上有从未出过事故的公司。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 01/24/13 (538)
          非民航业务飞行,出事故不说的。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 01/24/13 (471)
      希望如此。谢回复。  /无内容 - switch 01/24/13 (438)
        出航时间,直飞?票价。好像做旅游生意的人,知道旅客关心什么。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 01/24/13 (453)
  棒子也不弱啊  /无内容 - p4 01/24/13 (452)
    棒子几家航空公司原来都是榜上数一数二的  /无内容 - laker_fan 01/24/13 (419)
  这是台湾的华航啊 - zippers 01/23/13 (672)
    不过对世界上绝大多数外国人不知道有什么区别 - 太阳黑子 01/23/13 (511)
      黑子,希拉里拍桌子,大闹听证会 - hotdog99-1 01/23/13 (811)
        最近忙,没看新闻 - 太阳黑子 01/24/13 (474)
      民进党想改,大陆尚未说话,美国反对改名。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 01/23/13 (509)
        美国真是什么事都管  /无内容 - 太阳黑子 01/24/13 (465)
          对比香港的玉器店,桃园机场免税店的质量不错,也很少卖假货。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 01/24/13 (455)
    要厚道,用英文ID的,不一定懂英文。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 01/23/13 (447)
      是, 是,英文不大好  /无内容 - hotdog99-1 01/23/13 (441)
        北斗的事,有没有回去查看原帖?不要随便说别人反对。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 01/23/13 (472)
          查了,你的确说了反对公交车 - hotdog99-1 01/23/13 (606)
            你把原话贴上来,不要随便说,反对二字哦。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 01/23/13 (471)
              哎妈,我的杠子奶奶,你咋又盯上我了,遁也  /无内容 - hotdog99-1 01/23/13 (467)
                我翻了7,8页,还没找到那个破贴  /无内容 - hotdog99-1 01/23/13 (485)
                  不许赖皮,无聊!  /无内容 - 赤松子5 01/24/13 (499)
                  你开始要赖皮,无聊。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 01/23/13 (461)
    搞混了,不过still  /无内容 - hotdog99-1 01/23/13 (419)
  it's TW's China Airline.  /无内容 - bump 01/23/13 (379)
  中国应该公布一个事故飞机的品牌 - hotdog99-1 01/23/13 (445)
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